Let us introduce you to our wonderful Well-being team here at Collingwood College…






Judith Clelland


Secondary PrincipalMonday to Friday9417 6681

Gareth Rego


Social Worker


4 days per week9412 7720
Hussein IbrahimCommunity LiaisonMonday to Thursday 9:30-2:30, Wed all day0459254588
XusenXiriiriyaha bulshada

Isniin ilaa Khamis 9:30-2:30, Arbaco malinta oo dhan.



Hassen Mohamed- Saeed


Community Liaison

Tigrinya & Arabic

Monday – Friday 9-1pm0459466102

Michele Waters


Mental Health PractitionerEvery Friday and Tuesdays in even weeks9417 6681

Rebecca Hodder


Secondary School NurseMonday and Tuesday9417 6681
Kathryn Feils



Monday and Tuesday9417 6681



Badria, Hussein & Hassen
Badria, Hussein & Hassen


I am Hassen Mohamed-saeed,   I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you as the new  (Collingwood College African and South Pacific Communities

Liaison officer),

I'm looking forward to meeting in person. Collingwood College teachers, Administrators and Wellbeing teams are here to help your kids with their schooling and educational issues.

 If you have any enquiries about your kids well-being  please contact me on 0459466102. 


انا حسن محمد سعيد مساعد شؤون الموظفين الطلاب في مدرسة كلود.من أجل خدمتك بصورة دائمة و افضل الرجاء الاتصال على الرقم  0459466102






My name is Hussein Ibrahim (Collingwood College African and South Pacific Communities Liaison officer). Most of you have already seen me last year (during Covid19 lockdown) and those who have not yet seen me, I have started working for the school in June last year and my role is to facilitate relationships between students, families, teachers, admin, Principal and the local community. My role also encompasses supporting students to maintain their education and keep engaged with the school in order for students to transition to a successful life/career. To achieve these objectives, we also support and work closely with the parents to address any challenges which maybe assist in achieving these goals.


I’m a qualified Community Development practitioner with (Bachelor of Arts Community Development from Victoria University) and I have been working in the Community Services Sector for the last 15years, including “mental health section”, settlement” as well as tenant management for DHHS. I’m also accredited interpreter for Somali language.

If require my assistance, I can be reached on 0459254588 or alternatively the collage number: 94176681. I’m looking forward meeting you in the near future for introduction.

Somali Version

Salaamu Aleykum


Magaceyga waa Hussein Ibrahim ( waxaan ahay isku xiraha iskuulka Collingwood College  iyo jaliyadaha Africanka iyo South Pacifica. Intiina badan waxaan is aragnay snadkii hore  (xiligii lagu jiaray xanibadii Covit19). Intiina hore ii arag, waxaan bilabay in aan u shaqeyo ‘iskuulka’ bishii June sandkii hore.

Shaqadeyda waxey tahay isku xirka wadashaqeynta u dhaxeyso ardada, qoosaska, macalimiinta, principalda schoolka iyo  jaliyadaha iskuulka nawaxiisa degan.  Waxaa kaloo shaqadeyda tahay in aan ku dadalo in ardada iskuulka dhigata in ay waxbarashadooda dhameystaan ee waxbarshada nus kagtagin si ay mutaqbal fiican iyo shaqo wanagasan u helaan mustaqbalka dhow.

Sida hadafkaan u gaarno, waxaan si dhow ula shaqeyaa walidiinta si aan ugu caawiyo wixii caqabad ku noqonkaro sida loo gaari lahaa hadafkan.


Waxaan ka qalanjibiyey Jamacada Victoria University waxaana bartay sida jaaliyada loo caawiyo. Waxaana kashaqeynayey cawimada jalidaha 15sanoo lasoodhaafay. Waxaan kashaqey qebta dadyowga dhimirka ka xanuunsan iyo dejenta qaxootiga wadanka Australia.Waxaan kaloo ahay ‘turjuman dowlada u diinwangelisan oo fasira luuqada soomaliaga.

Haddad u bahato kaalmadeyda igala soo xiriir tel: 0459254588 ama kan iskuulka: 94176681. Waxaan aad uxiiseynayaa in aan kulano mustaqbalka dhow si aan isu barano.




Saver Plus is an option to assist with school costs. Saver Plus has supported several Collingwood College families in the past 2 years




Parents please click on the attachment below for Resources available for students and parents to access:



Pride Club

Pride Club! Tuesday lunchtime Room 301. For all students who support equality at Collingwood College!




Not sure what this is? Here is some information from the governments e-safety site https://www.esafety.gov.au/esafety-information/esafety-issues/sexting





The Community Asthma Program provides free asthma education and support for children (under 18) with asthma and their families. In Melbourne’s inner North and Western suburbs

An asthma educator works with children and their families to:

  • understand asthma, its signs and severity
  • identify triggers and learn how to control them
  • understand their medications and administer them correctly
  • develop a written asthma action plan
  • learn asthma first aid

The program is tailored to the individual child and family The Community Asthma educators are able to see children and parents/ carers at one of the many Cohealth sites or at home. The CAP educators are also able to visit schools, kindergartens and child care centres to educate staff to support the child.

To refer, fill out the attached referral or please contacts:

9448 6825 or CAP@cohealth.org.au





Australian Multicultural Foundation (AMF) product called CyberParent which is an interactive learning tool that aims to teach parents and families about how to use the internet safely. The app was launched in 17 different languages and AMF has received overwhelmingly positive responses from the community. Since then, AMF has developed a downloadable version of CyberParent, which has just been released on the Apple App Store.


CyberParent is available in 17 different languages, which can be found in different language packs on the App Store. This includes: 

Central Asia: 

- Dari | دری

- Farsi | فارسی 

- Pashto | افغانی

- Urdu | اُردُو


CyberParent is available to download from the App Store today! Click below to download now:





As Australia’s largest national education-oriented charity, we support disadvantaged Australian children to participate fully in their education, giving them the best chance at breaking the cycle of disadvantage. Our learning support and mentoring programs help children in need to fit in at school, keep up with their peers, and build aspirations for a better future for them. The smith Family can provide financial support for families and children in need to assist them through school and education.

To get in touch with the Smith Family go to: https://www.thesmithfamily.com.au/contact-us

Or call them on; 1300 326 459


Headspace is the National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds, along with assistance in promoting young peoples’ wellbeing. This covers four core areas: mental health, physical health, work and study support and alcohol and other drug services.  

Information and services for young people, their families and friends as well as health professionals can be accessed through this website; www.headspace.org.au , headspace centres, online counselling service eheadspace, and postvention suicide support program headspace School Support. 

Ph: 1800 650 890.


Since 1877, Berry Street has chosen to work with children, young people and families, with the most challenging and complex needs, including those for whom we are often the last resort. Last year, we helped over 18,000 of the most disadvantaged children, young people and families across our community.


We believe all children should have a good childhood, growing up feeling safe, nurtured and with hope for the future.

Services include; Family services (ChildFirst), Education and training, Family violence, Foster and Kinship care, residential care and youth services.

To contact Berry Street go to their website http://www.berrystreet.org.au/ or call them on; 9429 9266


3 million Australians are living with depression or anxiety

Beyondblue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.

Beyondblue has a 24hour helpline 1300 22 4636 and their website is https://www.beyondblue.org.au/



The Centre for Multicultural Youth is a Victorian not-for-profit organisation supporting young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds to build better lives in Australia.

Their purpose is to ensure that young people have every opportunity to succeed in Australia. Through a combination of specialist support services, training and consultancy, knowledge sharing and advocacy, we are working to remove the barriers young people face as they make Australia their home