Secondary School News

Secondary School News


Its amazing how quickly Term 3 has gone! As the first Term 3 we have had as a community onsite at school, it has been a fantastic one. Currently our Year 10 students are on their first week of work experience. Our local community open up and welcome our students into their workplaces to learn about different careers. We can’t wait for them to come back and share their experiences with us.


This term has marked the reopening of the English Language Centre. We have been delighted to welcome Felicia Peh as the coordinator of our relaunched program. The students have been completing an intensive English course along with many day excursions around Melbourne along with Maths, PE and electives. We look forward to these students joining our main program students next year after their intensive program concludes as they continue their educational journey with us.


Our Year 7 – 9 cohorts have been completing careers activities in their homegroup lessons in preparation for selecting subjects in later school years and planning their future pathways. We have been fortunate to have the many partners and programs to support us such as The Smith Family, RAISE Mentoring, Morrisby Report and Riji Program. 


Our SRC and student leaders have been meeting regularly and we have been fortunate enough to have leaders attend the Nelson Mandala Youth Leadership Summit. With support of Collingwood and Richmond Rotary we had also established a student Rotary group called Rotary Interact. The students involved are all volunteers and will be running a number of fundraising programs throughout the school, the first being a Spring Fair style event which will be held later in the year. More information to come later in the term.


Have a great end of term.



Angela Watters

Assistant Principal - Secondary School


Year 11 visit to The World of the Book exhibition

On Thursday, August 4th, the two year 11 English Language classes from Collingwood College and Fitzroy High School visited an exhibition entitled ‘The World of the Book’ at the State Library of Victoria. This exhibition coincided with our current study of the history and development of the English language. Students had the opportunity to view texts from centuries past including novels, religious texts, books of nature study, design and cartography, and even a 4000-year-old cuneiform tablet. In addition, they viewed more recent works of scholarship and literature from Jane Austen, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Margaret Atwood and Shaun Tan. The students were excellent representatives of both schools and the Wurun Senior Campus.  


Charlotte Bailey, Imogen Lazarus and Melanie Singleton



Year 10 Work Experience - Stepping into the Workforce

Year 10 students are congratulated for their efforts in securing a placement for work experience this term. 

For the last two weeks, students have experienced life in the workforce in a range of industries from Hospitality to Horticulture and Strategic Design.

Year 10 teachers have enjoyed hearing from employers about how students have applied themselves to different tasks and shown interest and engagement. 

The Work Experience Program provides opportunities for students to gain invaluable skills and build confidence beyond the classroom - it is a core component of the Year 10 program at Collingwood College.  During Home Group next week, all students will reflect on their experiences - taking into account work satisfaction, expectations and learnings - and consider the employer evaluation comments received. 

Students will  share aspects of their reflection with their peers during Careers and deliver a short presentation to the Year 9 cohort about their industry so that our younger cohort can learn about the benefits of the program and start considering work experience options for 2023.


Well done Year 10 - we can’t wait to hear all about it!



Upcoming Senior Pathway Panel Discussions at Wurun Campus - August 16 & 18

Year 10 students have also recently identified their preferred subjects and pathway for 2023. Next week, they will undertake a Senior Pathway Panel Discussion at Wurun Senior Campus.  This will require students to outline their desired pathway, preferable subjects and their character strengths and learning dispositions which they believe will help them achieve their desired outcomes. Teachers will guide students and offer advice to assist them to select the most suitable pathway for their future. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to showcase some of their best work and demonstrate their development as learners and individuals.

This is an exciting time but new territory for our students so we encourage all families to have conversations about the process and to make contact with any questions.

Best wishes Year 10!


Year 9

During Home Group this term, students are working on creating a Resume and CV for a job that they will sit a mock interview for in October at the Collingwood Town Hall.  This interview will mark the culmination of the seven week RIJI (Real Industry Job Interviews) program.  Watch this space for updates!


Lori Michael - Year 9/10 Education and Program Leader

Hannah Young - Year 10 Coordinator

James Agombar - Year 9 Coordinator


Fitzroy Youth Homework Club

The Young Assets Foundation's Fitzroy Youth Homework Club provides education support for high school and university students (under 25) from refugee and migrant backgrounds. Fitzroy LibrarySupport includes:

  • one on one tutoring
  • study resources
  • study spaces
  • mentoring
  • pathways support

More information contact: Youth Assets Foundation 0406 054 820