
By Lauren Anderson

Student Voice and Agency in action in Level Six with Student directed Home Learning.


Across Level Six, each class has an opportunity to design Home Learning for the entire Level every Friday. This week, Students in 6A were given the chance this week to collaborate in small groups, designing specialised tasks for their peers to complete at home over the next seven days.


Students collaborate to design challenging learning tasks based on what we have learnt at school that week or upcoming topics. Students research questions, tasks and videos to stretch and extend each other in the areas of Reading, Writing, Maths Inquiry and YCDI.


When asked to share why we have student directed home learning this is what they said;


We design the tasks ourselves “to have a student voice in our home learning”. Nikhil


“We know what our comfort zone is and the learning we need to focus on” Gauri


“We understand different sections of the learning and give our own ideas” Jonathan


“So the teachers will know what we want to learn.” Omika



When asked what they like best about designing home learning this is what they said.


 “It makes you more excited to do it knowing you created it yourself” Aditi