Student Welfare and Wellbeing News

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support and Respective Relationships News

LEGO Masterbuilders is coming to CSPS

LEGO Masterbuiilders (or LEGO Therapy) is an evidence based approach that aims to develop social communication skills in children. LEGO Therapy can improve: Verbal and non-verbal communication, active listening, vocabulary, conflict resolution, task focus, sharing and turn taking, collaboration and problem solving. 


Students will work in small groups of 2-3 participants. Each member of the group will have a distinct role and aim to build a LEGO model collaboratively. 

The Engineer looks at the LEGO instructions and describes the LEGO bricks that are needed for each step and then describes where to put the piece.

The Supplier listens to the Engineer, selects the correct brick and then gives the Builder the bricks.

The Builder listens to the Engineer and puts the LEGO bricks together.

A staff member from our Education Support team will facilitate each group as needed to encourage problem solving, communication and engagement. The program enables students to collect points and earn certificates as well as build a sense of accomplishment and possible friendships.

It will be conducted once a week during Term 4 2022. If your child is identified as a student who may benefit from this program you will be contacted before the end of Term 3.

Wellbeing and Engagement in Semester 2

We are always focused on improving student engagement in their learning.  This is measured by the percentage of students responding positively to the Attitude to School Survey factor ‘Sense of connectedness’ will have increased from 77 per cent to 82 per cent. 

In Term 2, the students from Year 4 to 6 complete this survey answering a variety of questions about themselves and school. 

The Specialist team have composed goals to help achieve the aim of students feeling connected to school. They have designed and delivered a program to promote students to develop their interests and connect them to school in a variety of ways. These events are reported on the Specialist page and via Seesaw.  The smiles on the faces of the students and staff say it all!

The Specialist program in Term 3 has included
Netball clinics
Supercharge Dance incursion
Gymnastics session X 3 MS
Senior Hoop Time
Whole School concert rehearsal 
Gymnastics session 2
Concert Day and Night
First Aid in Schools
District Athletics
Life Education
Live Healthy Harold visit during Assembly
Talk About it
T-ball clinics
Division Athletics
+ their spectacular classes! WOW!!!