Student Leadership News

SCC- Book week dress up

In celebration of Book Week and to promote student voice in our school, the SCC captains would like to encourage all students to think about how they identify themselves and represent their voice through dressing up as a Mr Men/Little Miss/Little Me character that is relatable to them. 


Students are invited to dress up as these characters on Friday, 26 of August 2022. 

Please note that no QKR donations are required for this event. 


Parents are welcome to attend the Book Week parade beginning at 9:15am on Friday 26th (weather permitting). We look forward to seeing a whole variety of Mr Men, Little Miss and Little Me characters on the day!

Murrup Box!






The Year six students have designed a new system out in our yard.  We have made a Murrup Box! 


When our year six leaders are out on yard duty we are looking for students showing the five Ps in the playground.  The student then draws a card out of the box with an amount of house points on it. After the break when the student comes in to the learning space they get to write the amount of house points for their class house chart. This way we can encourage the Murrup - Spirit, out in the yard.


By Shugar 6B