Building and Grounds News

Did you know that there is a annual World Toilet day celebrated in mid November?

Well... CSPS gets to celebrate a little earlier this year with the exciting announcement of an additional toilet block being installed within the next 3 - 4 months.  In line with services such as water, septic and electrical, the location will be close to where the original toilets were, near the current Year 6 classrooms.  

The Capital Works project will work in partnership with DET and Fleetwood in the installation and alignment with the new pending landscaping.

This is terrific news for the school and community.  More information to follow.

CSPS understands at present the challenges with traffic congestion and traffic flow.  It is crucial that all users of the road, crossings and Kiss and Go do so with patience and kindness in mind.  To assist with traffic flow:

  • Kiss and Go users are HIGHLY encouraged to turn left into and out of the Kiss and Go on Browns Road
  • Kiss and Go users travelling on Browns Road from Westerport Port Hwy will be HIGHLY encouraged to do a u-turn at the Browns Rd/Pearcedale Rd roundabout and then turn left into the Kiss and Go.

Any misbehaviour from adults, including swearing, abuse and road rage inc towards the crossing supervisor or traffic controllers, will be reported to the Principal class to address accordingly and will be documented.  If misbehaviour continues, use of the Kiss and Go will be removed and authorities may be involved including notification to Vicroads, City of Casey and the Police.