Year Five News

Can you believe it is Week Ten of Term Four already? We are slowly starting to wrap up the year. That does not slow us down though! We have had another very busy week of fun and learning in Year Five. 


Reading and Writing


We are poets 

And we definitely know it!


We have continued working on poetry in both reading and writing. Our literacy unit links very closely together. We have enjoyed reading a variety of styles of poetry and writing different poems. Recently we have been focusing on Cinquain, Limmerick and Found Poetry. The students particularly enjoyed found poetry which involves them combining poetry and design using a pre-existing text. 



Angles, Angles everywhere. 


We have continued understanding angles. Looking for them in our surroundings and using protractors to measure them. We are beginning to look at more complex angles and vocabulary, such as congruent, co-interior, corresponding and supplementary angles. 


As a stand alone unit we have also been looking at chance and probability. Students have been exploring the chance of something occurring both in constructed situations and real world scenarios. Students have enjoyed understanding how chance is relative to their day to day lives. 




Exhibition pieces are well underway. Students are reflecting on our current central idea 'The arts can reflect and challenge society' to create their own art piece that create awareness around their social issue of choice. This past week, students have investigated, planned and some have even started their own art piece to reflect and challenge society. Students have been asked to bring in necessary materials to bring their creation to life. We are looking forward to seeing their final pieces!!

Pizza Party Day


Last Thursday the Year Five cohort had our end of year celebration. We began our day with round robin activities such as, capture the flag, bingo, a language feature hunt and a rock, paper, scissors battle. We then were treated to a scrumptious pizza lunch and finished off with a movie. All day it was a battle of the houses with Goodes, Goolagong, Vander-Kuyp and Freeman battling it out for first place. It was so fantastic to watch the camaraderie of our students working together, supporting each other and picking each other up when they were down. Overall it was an amazing day and everyone had a fantastic time. 


The final results were:


1. Goodes 969

2. Freeman 955

3. Goolagong 825

4. Vander-Kuyp 751


Well done to everyone involved and keep up all that great work!

Classroom movements


In this past week we have had some classroom movements. We are so proud of how resilient our students have been throughout all of these disruptions. We are so excited for our school to be updated and growing! 


5C, 5D, 5E and 5F are now relocated into the new double storey portables upstairs and the students are loving their new classrooms. 


Wishing you all a wonderful festive season and a safe and happy holiday.


Kind regards,

Year Five team.