Year One News 

Written by the Year One Team

Hello, Year One families,

It was so great to see so many students dress up as a superhero last Friday in support of Neonatal Lung Research. Thank you to those who donated in support of the cause. There were so many Batmen and Superwomen running around at recess and lunchtime!



In Reading, students have been revising what they have learnt throughout the year while reading Christmas books in celebration of the holiday season. Some of the learning areas included are inferring and predicting the events in a text, reading with fluency and expression, identifying metaphors and similes, responding to questions about the text, making text to self connections and summarising texts using the five finger summary as a guide. 


Again, students have been revising what they have learnt throughout the year in writing, drawing those links between the reading and writing crafts. Students are finishing off their narratives. They have  also been writing persuasive letters to Santa, convincing him that they deserve the presents they want.



Students are revising those topics based on their Essential Assessment needs. Activities are hands-on and fun to finalise the year. 



We have concluded our Unit of Inquiry. It was great to see the children's excitement and engagement during this final unit. Students have been excellent communicators when sharing their cultural knowledge, information about their culture’s celebrations, clothes, food, sports, dances, music and so much more. The appreciation and open-mindedness shown by students when their peers shared this knowledge was also very impressive. 



  • Friday 16th December is the last day for students
  • There is no school in Week 12, Monday 19th and Tuesday 20th December.

Thank you for a great year. From all the Year One teachers, we wish you a safe and enjoyable holiday spent with family and friends. We look forward to 2023 at Saltwater P-9 College. 


The Year One Team