Leadership Report

Written by Jackie Daniali

Dear Parents and Carer’s

It’s time to say goodbye to another busy but productive day. This year has certainly flown by way too quickly, bringing with it many successes, achievements and, at times, challenges. Reflecting on the year that was, it is hard to believe that we have managed to implement and achieve so many valuable additions to our school community. Some of the highlights have been:

- Going through the accreditation process for the IB Primary Years Program,

- Opening the secondary school and developing the elective and core subject programs for Years 7-9

- Achieving outstanding NAPLAN results in Years 3, 5 & 7

- Completing 100 days of Prep education

- Managing our large enrolment numbers and inducting all new students and staff to the school

- Hosting several parent information sessions and student led conferences

- Successfully launching the Year 6 & Year 7 exhibition

- Providing opportunities beyond the classroom such as camps and excursions

- “Aladdin” the school production

- School based and regional district sports

- Successfully preparing and participating in the Victoria State School Spectacular with both a choir and dance group

- The amazing live performances from our students at our Christmas Carols

- The Colour Run and many other schoolwide events.

As you can see, the above events are just a few of the 2022 whole school highlights not to mention the individual year level achievements.

Workforce planning for 2023 is almost complete and, although there has been the state-wide challenge with a shortage of teachers across Victoria, we have successfully managed to fill all classroom positions. Unfortunately, we have had to place our Leading Teachers back into the classroom as a temporary measure. Classroom teacher positions will be readvertised next year, in the hope that we can appoint staff for those classrooms to enable our Leading Teachers to return to coaching, mentoring and leading staff and students in the areas of Curriculum and Wellbeing. The introduction of all new 2023 staff will be in this addition of the newsletter and I welcome you to meet them in person in 2023.

The leadership structure, timetabling and all other operational matters for 2023 will be shared with the community in late January. Please note that the office will be closed for the holiday period between the 20th December through to 16th January. All correspondence from parents will be addressed upon our return to the office.

Over the holidays, we are happy to announce that we will be gaining 6 double storey portables to accommodate our growing numbers. There will also be some maintenance work taking place on our buildings and grounds to ensure that our environment is orderly and inviting for the return of the students in 2023.

On this note and on behalf of the staff at Saltwater College, I would like to express my gratitude and thank all our community members for their continued support, understanding, assistance and adaptability throughout the year. It has also been a pleasure to celebrate a full year of onsite learning. We have all learnt to adjust, collaborate and work together as a community for the

common success of our students. We will have a strong focus on community engagement and partnership, building on the foundations of 2022.

I would also like to say a massive thank you to the members of our school council. They have worked tirelessly to support the goals of the school and the work of the staff. They have been pivotal in connecting the staff with the local community, promoting family engagement, and supporting the needs of the school.

For now, I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you and continuing our partnership in 2023.


Take care,

The BOSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!