OGPS – Other Great Programs @ School

Year 3 STEM - Stop Motion Online Film Festival
The Year 3 classes have been working hard for many weeks learning about the art of stop motion animation and creating their own films. The students had to storyboard their production first, create characters and film their animation using the Stop Motion Studio app on iPad.
This project will culminate in a virtual film festival next Thursday 21st July at 6.00pm.
All families will receive a private link to the presentation. This link will be sent as an announcement on Seesaw at 6.00pm next Thursday.
Families will be able to watch the films from 6.00pm or at any other time that suits.
Hope you can make it!
Inclusion Teacher
As this year's NAIDOC theme is Get up! Stand up! Show up!, I thought I'd get in the spirit and share with you all the Key Word Sign that accompanies the theme.
What is Key Word Sign you ask? Great question!
Kew Word Sign (KWS) is the use of signs and natural gestures to support the communication and language development of children and adults with communication difficulties. KWS works well alongside other forms of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).
Have fun learning to sign this year's theme!
Thank you
Sarah Fuller
Tayla (5CM)