SEL Awards

Foundation-Year 6 Awards

Parents are now welcome to attend Assemblies, please remember to social distance.

Depending on the weather the assembly will be held either in the Gym (indoors) or on the top basketball court (outdoors).



Penelope FEM- For having a positive attitude towards learning and always trying her best.


Annie FMK- For her outstanding commitment to her learning and always putting in 100% to everything she does. Well done Annie!


Olive FMM- For showing great confidence in her writing. Well done on having a go at using your phoneme fist all on your own Olive!


Beau FJR- For his commitment to trying his best when writing. Well done!


Dylan 1KC- For his commitment towards making positive learning choices in the classroom. Keep up the brilliant work Dylan.


Hamish 1MJ- For having an amazing start to Term 3 and using strategies to make the right choices. Awesome work Hamish! 


Alfie 1AW- For your curiosity and out of the box thinking. It is great to see you thinking deeply about your learning and sharing your ideas with the class. Well done Alfie!



Ava 2MH- For always having a positive attitude towards school and trying her best everyday.


Sylvie 2MK- For Self Awareness. Sylvie always has a positive attitude towards her learning. Well done Sylvie!!


 Ariah 2AM- – for showing social-awareness and collaboration as she continually helps and supports her classmates at every opportunity. Keep it up Ariah!


Lachie 2KD- For showing a positive growth mindset with his writing. His weekly ‘Pen Pal’ letters have been wonderful to read. Keep working hard Lachie! 


Sylvie 3JC- You treat your classmates with kindness and always make sure they feel included. Keep it up Sylvie!


Uliana 3AS- For settling in wonderfully to OGPS and creating some new friendships already! 


Bella 3DH- For always being such a positive, enthusiastic and caring member of 3DH.


Nya 4SE- For the genuine respect and compassion she demonstrates towards her peers and teacher.


Jaxon 4ML- For making a smooth transition into the 4ML classroom. You should be so proud of your positivity and focus you have displayed Jaxon. 


Ned 4AG- For outstanding curiosity towards his learning. 


Carla 5JE- For a brilliant start to Term 3! Your commitment and persistence to your learning is inspiring.


Summer 5CC- For showing great confidence in her own ability and having a positive outlook on life. Keep it up!


Tayla 5CM- On showing commitment in supporting her friends at school and in the wider community by supporting research for Cancer.

Fantastic effort.


Perri 5SB-For her creative writing. Perri’s narrative writing pieces are very descriptive and exciting to read. Well done Perri!


Kaelan 6KM- For the mature and responsible decision-making he has demonstrated in a great start to the term.


Mia 6RF- For the positive growth mindset when using coordinates points in her learning about flips, sides and turns.