Parent Information

Reminder: Student Medical Details
Dear Families,
Please ensure that your child's medical details/ alerts are updated with both Administration and classroom teachers.
Thank you
Child Safe Standards
Have you seen the New Child Safe Standards Information?
Please click here to access this information
Lost Property
The wonderful OGPS Parents and Friends Group have collected, washed and returned the clothing from lost property over the holidays.
All labeled items have been returned to the students, and all unnamed clothing will be in the office for 2 weeks, after this time if the clothing is not collected it will be donated to the second hand uniform shop.
Thank you to the P & F group for organising this!
Parent Helper Training Course
Dear Families,
The third and final parent helper course will be held this Friday, 15th July @1.40pm.
There will be approximately 30 parents participating this Friday, therefore Kerryn and Ann have decided to wait until after the final training to let the teachers know who has been trained. The teachers will then contact trained parents within the next few weeks regarding helping in the classroom.
If you have not yet signed up, please contact the office.
Thank you
Kerryn and Ann
Learning Specialist
Sibling Enrolments - Foundation (Prep)
If you have a child who will be starting with us in 2023 and they already have a sibling with us at Ocean Grove Primary School in 2022, it would be helpful if you could fill out an enrolment form (please see the link below) and return to the office. This will assist with planning for 2023.
Seesaw Information