Finding your true north
Year 11 wellbeing
The Wise-n-Well program is now in full swing with Year 12 students participating in a variety of activities to help with wellbeing. So far students have been working out personal strengths and weaknesses, sleeping and relaxation techniques and learning to show gratitude.
Thank you to Drusilla Barsoum from the class of 2016 for visiting Wise-n-Well. Drusilla spent time giving her perspective on preparing for assessment tasks, showing students how she set out her class notes and study notes, handling stress and maintaining a balance of school and home life during the HSC. Year 11 students loved being able to ask Drusilla questions and pick up good learning habits for the HSC course.
In the coming weeks students will be involved in giving back to the community and then getting prepared for the assessment period at the end of the term. We encourage all Year 11 students come along and get some additional support in the first term of the HSC.
When: Tuesday afternoons 12:40pm - 2:40pm
Where: Library senior study area.
F Farah, Year 12 Adviser