A taste of high school
Year 6 students experience a day in the life of a high school student
A taste of high school
Year 6 students experience a day in the life of a high school student
This year has been an incredibly exciting and busy year for Miss Renee Havas and myself in preparation for our upcoming Year 7 Year Adviser role. With the support of the Primary School Links team we have conducted a number of events and initiatives with the focus on creating a smooth transition for the current Year 6 students.
Term 2 saw the running of the Taste of High School event, which is always a great success. A number of our talented teachers visited Bonnyrigg Heights Public School, Kemps Creek Public School, and Cecil Hills Public School to showcase what a high school lesson might look like. This year featured science lessons, sport and even some cooking classes. The lessons enable the students to engage with future teachers and develop a passion for the many flavours of high school.
Most recently, Term 3 featured a group of Year 7 students return to their primary schools to share their experiences with their fellow peers. The Year 6 students didn’t disappoint with their questions, ranging from “How many assessments do you get a year?” to “Is it true the canteen has a new healthy menu?” As always, the Year 7 students thoroughly enjoyed the chance to calm any fears and showcase what Cecil Hills High School has to offer.
We are also busily preparing for our upcoming Transition Day in Week 9. This is a fantastic opportunity for both parents and students to experience Cecil Hills High School first hand. Students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in team building activities, build new friendships and experience first-hand the facilities of a high school. We're thoroughly looking forward to welcoming the new cohort of 2018. We hope to see you soon!
R Havas and M Howard, Year 7 (2018) Advisers