
Apprenticeship Scholarships given
Recently the Country Education Foundation held a presentation evening to award nine young local apprentices with funding to help them achieve their vocational and study goals.
The evening was held at Cowra Services Club and provided the opportunity for the CEF Cowra committee to meet the recipients and find out more about their career goals.
Funds awarded to the students were raised through the committee's fudraising events, the CEF's national office's partnerships and independent local donations.
Successful applicants were Patrick Ryan (Building & Construction), Nathan Dale (Agricultural Mechanical Technology), Keagan Hunt (Hairdressing), Toby Apps (Plumbing) and Thomas Treasure (Automotive Engineering), all students that had attended Cowra High in recent years.
Patrick, who attends TAFE two days every three weeks and apprentices with Bernie Wilkinson Building, had been previously unaware of the CEF Grants for apprentices. "I knew about the local grants because I'd heard about them through Cowra High but didn't realise that apprentices could apply. It was really good news when I learnt that I could get a grant as well, like the university students do. Most of the tools and equipment I need for my job and TAFE are pretty expensive so the grant will really help me pay for those. I don't know where I'd be without that assistance."
Other recipients of the grants that were unable to attend the night were Lanty Ryan (Plastering), Joe Treasure (Electrotechnology), Brandon Dickerson (Plumbing) and Ashleigh Stone (Business).
Cowra High School wishes to congratulate on receiving these grants and wishes them all well with their future career goals.
RSA and RCG Courses
Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol
Provide Responsible Gambling Services
Liquor and Gaming NSW approved
Short course deals with the skills and knowledge required to satisfy the requirements for responsible serve of alcohol and responsible conduct of gaming under State legislation. These courses cover the performance criteria from the nationally accredited unit of competency SITHFAB002 Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol and SITHGAM001 Provide Gambling Services. The unit of competency is from the Tourism Travel and Hospitality Training Package and it reflects the role of a Liquor and Gaming attendant in License premises.
Date: 1st and 2nd June 2019
Time: 9.00am-4.00pm
Cost: $270
Venue: Cowra Services Club Brisbane Street Cowra
Please pick up a flyer from Prue Williams Careers Adviser.
Central West Courses
RTO Coffee School
Bathurst NSW 2795
Phone: 0419427155
To. Cowra High Students,
To Book for RSA RCG please go to
Click on the Blue [BOOK NOW>>] button on the bottom any page.
Select Location > Change to Cowra High Students Only.
Select RCG course date 2nd June.
Select RSA course date 1st June. Press [Step 2▬►]
Fill in your detail Press [Step 3▬►]
Select Pay Now = $270.00
Tick all check boxes, Press [MAKE BOOKING]
You will be directed to our Credit card pay system. Enter CC details and pay.
You will then be directed to another page asking you to complete enrolment.
Press the orange Button with your name on it to Complete enrolment.
USI and All details needed Please fill in details including middle name/s as per your ID e.g. Driver licence /Photo Card
If you have any problems or question, please contact
Martin or Jennifer Cummings
Ph. 0419427155
Job Jump - University
WSU - Design Portfolio Day
12 September
Parramatta South Campus
Western Sydney University’s Design Portfolio Day is an exceptional merit pathway for those wanting a career in graphic design, photography, illustration, art direction, digital media design, or design education. Students can attend an interview and show their original creative work to determine eligibility to receive an early offer into the Bachelor of Design (Visual Communication) degree.
Interviews will take place on Thursday 12 September at Western Sydney University’s Parramatta South campus. Find out more and register your interest.
UOW Early Admission
Opens 1 August
Closes 30 August
Applications for the 2019/2020 Early Admission program will open on Thursday 1 August at the UOW Early Admission website. Any student who is completing their final year at an Australian high school is eligible to apply. More details will be communicated soon. In the meantime, UOW encourage students to register for updates so they can keep them across Early Admission key dates and application details.
Open Days, Charles Sturt University,
August and September
Discover everything that Charles Sturt University has to offer, step inside our state-of-the-art facilities, meet academics and get a real taste of university life! Open Days will be held across our six campuses throughout August and September. For event dates see below or email
Reminder - Macquarie University
Year 12 Information Evening
26 June. 5.30pm – 8.00pm
Heading to uni next year? Don’t miss the Year 12 Information Evenings! Macquarie University invites you to attend an evening of short talks featuring Macquarie representatives and current students. Talks will be followed by an exhibition where you can ask UAC, their Future Students team, and university representatives about degrees, entry requirements, scholarships and everything Macquarie.
Find out more about the university admissions process, including early entry, and hear about initiatives that will help prepare you for the workplace, such as the Professional and Community Engagement (PACE) program.
Make an informed decision about your future by evaluating your study options with Macquarie. Parents welcome. City campus.
Register here.
Macquarie University Leaders and Achievers
- 3 June – Applications open
- 15 August – Offer round 1
- 12 September – Offer round 2
- 3 October – Offer round 3
Macquarie Leaders and Achievers is a new early-entry program that recognises a student’s academic performance alongside their extracurricular activities that demonstrate leadership, community service and personal achievement. Year 12 students who meet the criteria are offered a place in their preferred degree before the HSC examinations.
How to apply - Students complete an online application and have a school representative endorse their application.
UTS - Women in Engineering and IT Cooperative Scholarship
Closes 8 September
- Biomedical
- Civil/ Civil Environmental
- Data
- Electrical
- Mechanical/ Mechatronics
- Software
This scholarship is proudly sponsored by Industry to increase the participation and retention of young women in engineering or information technology. The Women in Engineering and IT Cooperative Scholarship is a cooperative education program between the University and sponsoring organisations. The scholarship will include 3 periods of industry placement as well as mentoring, networking, leadership and professional development opportunities.
Bond - Business, Hotel and Tourism Management, Actuarial Science and Commerce Experience Day
22 October
Choosing the right university for you can be challenging - it's one of the most significant decisions you will make in shaping your future. At Bond University, we appreciate the importance of this decision and encourage those looking for a quality education to
Job Jump - TAFE
TAFE Degrees Early Entry Program
No matter what happens come December, with our Early Entry program you could receive a conditional TAFE NSW Degree offer.
Applications for the 2020 Early Entry Program will now open in August. You can register your interest to be one of the first students to secure your spot!
View TAFE Degrees
Community Services
Early Childhood
3D Art and Animation
Interior Design
Fashion Design
IT Data Infrastructure Engineer
Network Security
Property Valuation
Renewable Energy.
TAFE NSW student support helping students focus on studies and training
When you study at TAFE NSW, you’re never alone. You can get help and assistance with nearly every aspect of your study life - from study support and student resources, to counselling, guidance, and help finding jobs or accommodation. Whatever your needs or circumstances, we have the people, the resources, the counselling and the facilities to help you focus on your studies and training.
HIA Building Trades Career Event
Select your nearest location. The HIA Trades Career Event is for people who are interested in careers in the building industry and there will experts on hand to give you great advice on entering this career.
Automotive Apprenticeship Vacancies
Apprenticeships Are Us has over 50 automotive apprenticeship vacancies across all of Sydney and surrounding suburbs. Light Vehicle Mechanic, Heavy Vehicle Mechanic, Motorcycle Mechanic, Panel Beater, Spray Painter, Parts Interpreter. Contact Apprenticeships Are Us on 02 9891 6900 or Follow our Facebook page for constant updates - @apprenticeshipsrus
2020 TAFE NSW Career Guide
Due to be released mid-August, be one of the first to receive your 2020 TAFE NSW Career Guide. Contact us at
HTN Margaret Fulton Future Food Service Professional Scholarship
Apply by September – Watch this space.
You could be doing paid work experience at leading kitchens at The Merivale Group, Pendolino, Parliament House, Four Seasons Hotel and much more!
HIA Apprenticeships Australia
Whether it’s running your own business, taking over the family company or being the best tradie in the area, we can help you get there. Find out more
You will learn your trade on the job and attend trade school to gain additional knowledge and skills through accredited courses. Apply now
HIA Apprentices offer apprenticeships in:
- bricklayer
- cabinetmaker
- carpenter
- painter and decorator
- solid plasterers and wall and ceiling fixers
- roof tiler and tiler
Job Jump - Colleges
ICMS Scholarships and Sponsorships
Last year, ICMS and its industry partners awarded 82 scholarships, worth approximately $1.2 million, as part of the Professional Scholarship Program.
International College of Management, Sydney
Campus Tours – any time by appointment.
Macleay College - New Course – Diploma of Digital and Social Media Marketing
Macleay is excited to announce its new Diploma of Digital and Social Media Marketing course, launching in May.
With so many people online these days, it’s essential for businesses to communicate with their customers using digital and social media. That’s why this fully accredited 8-unit diploma is designed to take students from beginner to expert and allows them to be more competitive in the rapidly changing digital industry. Plus, it only takes seven months to complete.
ACAP - Changes to Admission Criteria
ACAP has changed its admission criteria for applicants. The changes are intended to enable ACAP to better assess each application on an individual, case-by-case basis.
As part of these changes, ATARs will no longer be considered as part of ACAP's selection process. All applicants will now be required to undertake a screening interview, as well as meeting one of the following criteria:
- successful completion of a Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (or equivalent)
- successful completion of a Certificate IV or above (or equivalent)
- successful admission to an undergraduate degree at an Australian university (or equivalent)
- be 21 years or above at the date of commencement.
For more information, contact ACAP.
Diploma of Film Applications Still Open
Sydney Film School. The next student intake at Sydney Film School is for our July 2019 semester. Applications for the Diploma of Screen and Media course are open now and we invite interested students to apply. For more information enquire at:
Become a Web Developer / Coder
We are excited to announce the launch of our Full Stack Web Developer course. This flexible program is designed around your work and life schedule. Built to get you a job as a full-stack software engineer. Get the benefits of 1-on-1 mentorship and a support team to help you secure employment after you graduate. Further details here:
Food Festival- Kenvale College – Open Day
3 August. 9am to 5pm
38 High St Randwick
Find out more about future career possibilities from our industry leaders. Get first-hand advice from our current students. Tour the campus and get your questions answered. More info: / 02 9314 6213
Barista and RSA Courses
Registration and more info, visit site below or for any questions, please contact us at / 02 9314 6213.
Reminder - NIDA Open Day 2019
15 June
NIDA Kensington Campus.
From backstage tours to alumni and course talks, free shows, NIDA Open classes and more, we have a jam-packed schedule of events to showcase everything that makes NIDA one of the top 10 drama schools in the world. Register to stay up to date
Top – Sydney City School - Business and Law Scholarships
Scholarships are available for domestic and international students, school leavers and non-school leavers.
Our scholarships can cover partial or full annual tuition fees. The selection criteria vary and some scholarships may be subject to an interview.
Below are the scholarships we offer for new commencing students of TOP:
Principal's Outstanding Award (Dom - Bus/Law)
TOP's Outstanding Achievement Award (Int/Dom - Bus/Law)
Sydney City School of Law Award (Int/Dom - Law)
Sydney City School of Business Award (Int/Dom - Bus)
Young Achiever (Int/Dom - Bus/Law)
Job Jump - General Notices
Sydney Youth Orchestra School Holiday Programs
SYO Holiday and Open Programs combine high standard music making, creativity, exploration and personal development. Now in its third year, the SYO Summer School has become a firm favourite of budding young musicians, music teachers and parents alike. SYO Holiday and Open Programs are packed with choir rehearsals, large ensemble playing, masterclasses and tutorials, music theory and info sessions, as well as the opportunity to make friends and have fun. If you’re interested in hearing about our school holiday programs please complete the below form. To update your preferences and hear about our concerts and other events please do so here:
Taronga Zoo – Stage 6 – Biological Diversity
Yr 11.
Biodiversity is important to balance the Earth’s ecosystems. Students will learn about the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, evidence for evolution and the effect of various selective pressures, focusing on species observed by Charles Darwin.
In this workshop, students investigate different types of adaptations and the relationships between organisms in terms of specialisation, using a range of interesting Australian and exotic species as examples.
Power of Engineering
Friday, 16 August. 9:00 AM 3:00 PM
This one day event is for Year 9 & 10 female students in the Bathurst region, and is sponsored by Charles Sturt University. Register your interest for your school by emailing
If you are interesting in volunteering for this event, you can sign up on our volunteer portal here.
Weather Seasons of Places
Sydney Observatory, 1003 Upper Fort St , Millers Point
Learners investigate the weather in this Geography/Science hands-on, experiment-based workshop to study the weather and seasonal markers in Sydney and at another place, Singapore. Using quantitative techniques, learners will explore temperature, cloud cover, wind speed and direction. They will use real meteorological instruments.
Discovery your Path to Physiotherapy
Physiotherapists play an important role in keeping people moving, whether it be for maximum performance in athletes and people with chronic health conditions. They also have an impact on patients who require rehabilitation after events such as surgery or a catastrophic accident. It can be rewarding to see patients reach their goals.
Join the NSW Community Fire Unit Program
A Community Fire Unit (CFU) is a team of local residents living in urban areas close to bushland who are supported by Fire & Rescue NSW (FRNSW) to enhance their safety and resilience to bushfires. As a volunteer CFU member you will learn how to prepare yourself, your family and your home ahead of the bushfire season. If you are 16 or 17 years old you can join a CFU if your parent or guardian is also a member of the CFU.
Eligibility Quiz for the NSW Police Force
Take the quiz to see if you may be eligible to commence an application to the NSW Police Force.
AFP Recruitment Public Group Facebook
If you are keen to join the Australian Federal Police Force, join this group and keep an eye on developments here.
The Simpson Prize
Closes 8 November
The Simpson Prize is a national competition for Year 9 and 10 students. The competition encourages participants to explore the significance of the Anzac experience and what it has meant for Australia. Eight winners are chosen from each State and Territory with the opportunity to visit overseas battlefields and participate in Anzac Day commemorations. For more information go to The Prize page.
Answer the question and visit the site below for details:
“Allied victory brought an end to war, suffering, and challenges for Australia and its people.”
To what extent do experiences of 1919 support this view?