What's Been Happening?

Principal's Report
Dear parents and members of the Cowra community.
I cannot believe how quickly we have transitioned to the second half of Term Two. This last fortnight I have enjoyed meeting more students and their parents as well as members of the Cowra community who are passionate about students at Cowra High School and wanting to see them succeed.
Year 7 had their Wellbeing Day where many external agencies came to mentor our students to understand how important it is to look after your wellbeing. This ensures successful learning to take place in the classroom for all our students and where they can go for support.
The Athletics Carnival saw many of our enthusiastic students participate in many events and challenge themselves to participate. Seeing students and teachers build relationships further outside the classroom was rewarding. A big thanks to all staff who went above and beyond to make this day successful.
There have been many sporting events take place where students have worked hard to represent our school as a team. All students who competed have demonstrated their amazing sportsmanship and even if they did not win certainly learnt that team work and dedication are very important skills they can use once they leave school and as part of the community in Cowra and beyond.
Congratulations to Xavier Gauci who represented Cowra High School in Western Hockey. What an amazing young man who is so successful managing a high level HSC pattern of study and continues his passion competing in high level hockey.
Congratulations to The Cowra High School dancers who placed first in three sections in the Cowra Eisteddfod. The cheerleading team started learning this routine in Week One of this term and performed at a high level last week, the dedication of all these students is commendable.
Year 12 this week had Mrs Peita Mages from the Clever Cookie Academy lead the Writer Ignitor Course last week. This opportunity really is special for our students to fine tune their writing skills for the Higher School Certificate. Mrs Mages sent me an email commending the dedication and passion for learning Year 12 students showed and how welcoming the English Staff of our school were as she continued to build on the foundation already established in the classroom.
Finally congratulation to Mrs Alison Buckley who has been invited for the second year in a row to choreograph a section in the Schools Spectacular for 2019. This reflects her exceptional leadership in the performing arts and dedication for Dance. We look forward to seeing your amazing work this year where this performance showcases how outstanding public education is for all students across the state of New South Wales.
As I speak to parents and teachers this week I have explored how important it is to reflect on what we do, how we learn and react to situations. If we learn how to improve as learners then the sky is the limit for what we can all achieve in the future. It is important to always challenge yourself and never be afraid to learn. ‘Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts’. Staff at Cowra High School strive every day to ensure that all students are challenged in a nurturing environment where the journey of learning is important in life and strive to continually to reach their best.
Kind Regards
Helene Hamilton
Mental Health in Schools Conference
The annual Mental Health in Schools conference was held at Luna Park in Sydney on May 16 and 17. The conference conducted by Propsych attracted Teachers, School Counsellors and Psychologists with this year’s theme being Shifting the script: Considered and Disruptive Approaches.
A variety of presenters spoke on the vital role that schools can play in the mental health of young people; awareness of warning signs; how and where to direct students for assistance; knowledge about lifestyle factors that can assist mental health, and the impact of social media and technology.
Challenges remain as schools navigate the best way to assist students in maintaining wellbeing, and how to develop a mental health action plan that meets the need of its students and staff.
The Beyond Blue organization has developed a national framework for Mental health titled BE YOU. This contemporary interactive, evidence-based framework, has professional learning for teachers consisting of 13 modules focused around building mentally healthy communities. This initiative is funded by the Australian Government as a free resource for educators.
I appreciate the opportunity that Cowra High School provided me so that I could attend the conference and enhance my understanding of mental health and wellbeing for students.
Di St Clair
Year 11 Advisor
Congratulations Mackenzie!!
Congratulations to Mackenzie Crook for being selected to the Under 14's Country team to go to the Nationals for the 2019 Football NSW State Representative Team Program.
This program identifies talented football players across the State and provides them with a series of training camps and games. A key component of the program is an intensive live-in environment provided by what is called the Talented Athlete Camp - conducted at Valentine Sports Park over three days from 16 - 18 June 2019. This is an ideal opportunity to have all players from the country regions in NSW in the one location to work together and be coached and assessed by great youth development coaches.
Well done Mackenzie!
HSC Study Days
CHS Knockout Volleyball Carnival
On May 24, 14 students travelled to the Bathurst Indoor Sports Stadium for the 2019 Knockout Volleyball Carnival. The Girls team comprised: Ginger Oliver (12), T’Sharnah Murray (12), Alyssa Murray (9), Maddison Forbes (9), Beryl Brown (9), Tobi Casey (9) and Kara Hinderager (9). The girls team played three matches. First was against Blayney High School and the Cowra High School team was defeated in two straight sets. After that Cowra High played Oberon High and Canobolas High. Both matches were successful 2-0. This was enough for the girls to get to the Semi finals against Kelso High School, who were unfortunately too strong for the Cowra High team.
The Cowra High School Boys team comprised: Emerson Baratto (12), Jack Tarrant (12), Zeb Dale (12), Mugabo Bizimana (11), Marcus O’Connor (11), Tailor Hampton (11), Brayden Harris (9). The boys similarly lost against Blayney High, however won their other two matches against Orange High and Forbes High in straight sets 2-0. This also was enough for them to go through to the semi finals against Kelso High School. Once again Kelso High proved too strong in the boys semi-final.
Congratulations to all 14 students who demonstrated respect and responsibility throughout the Carnival in Bathurst. Additionally, the students have also trained after school regularly to improve their skills and game play. This was the perfect competition experience for the upcoming Camden challenge in Week 6.
Di St Clair
Volleyball Coach