A Message from the

Head of Prep School

Term 4 Week 7

The students are most excited this week leading to the various camps. While some are a little fearful of the unknown once the activities start and they experience the fun and enjoyment of outdoor education the fears will have been but a distant memory.

Next week is our final week of the term with our Celebration Assembly on Tuesday December 4 and Speech Day on Wednesday the 5th.

For Celebration Assembly the children can arrive at normal time or arrive at 9:40 with their parents.

This is our final Prep assembly for the year where we reward effort across academic, citizenship and courtesy while also announcing our Prefects, House Captains for 2019 and the Speech Day winners.

Our Strings and Band along with the 5/6 choir will perform as well as a special farewell song from Year 6 – you’ll love it!

The Celebration Assembly will finish at about 11:30am which concludes our year in the Prep School except for the Speech Day recipients who must attend on the Wednesday to receive their prize. This is a K-12 assembly again starting at 10am and will finish around 11:45am. This event is only compulsory for those in the Prep receiving awards.

Should you have any queries please contact the Prep Office for details.

Reports will be sent home at the end of next week with details about classes for 2019 following soon after.

May I take this opportunity to thank each and every family for their support of the Prep this year. It is greatly appreciated and without your support we would not have such a great school. Thank you


Enjoy your holidays.


Mr Rob McLean

Head of the Preparatory School