From the School Leadership Team,

From Mr. Chant,



The messaging from the State Government is telling us that the current lockdown will continue at least until later next week.


These decisions are out of our control but we need to remain as positive as possible, follow the directives around the 5 reasons that you should be away from your home and to adhere to the social distancing, logging in via the QR code when entering shops etc., mask wearing and sanitising expectations.


I hope you enjoyed the completion of the Census this week. Our daughter had great delight in making sure that her parents responded to each and every question and that she was included in the data capture for the Bureau of Statistics.


Our planned Bring Your Own Designated Device program has created a high level of interest and thanks to those families who have shared their ideas and support for this new initiative at CJC. We are planning to phase this project into our school over a number of years and we will provide information sessions for families, learning support for our students, on site technical support for the hardware and any software issues, a structured pedagogical model for staff and the provision of a sequenced curriculum to ensure this BYODD program is another successful addition to our school. 


Our on site learning program has continued and we remind families that participation in the program depends upon your eligibility and work circumstances. A written application and workplace contact details means we can verify your request and then approve or deny the request formally in writing.


Next week our students in years 4, 5 and 6 will complete the annual Attitudes to School Survey. This important survey seeks feedback on a range of areas and includes well being and remote and flexible learning components. It is a confidential online survey and we ask all families to prioritise this survey. It is an important part of the DET provided feedback opportunities.


A reminder to those selected families that the 2021 Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey closes on September 3. Your feedback is highly valued and allows us to continue our improvement agenda here at CJC.


Last night we had the opportunity to share the details with our year 3 and 4 families around the planned camp to Forest Edge in early September.

Thankyou to all those who joined the session, to the staff who have prepared so thoroughly and professionally for this event and to those who made sure the information has been shared with our families.

We are acutely aware of the COVID restrictions and our planning has been guided by direction from the venue, the Department of Health and Human Services and the DET.

We look forward to this opportunity being part of the year 3 and 4 program this year.


As part of the continued redevelopment of the school site we are moving to create a new streetscape for the school, upgrade the entrance gates, signage, flagpoles and bicycle parking at the Balaclava Road entry to the school. This work will open up some passive learning spaces and access garden space that has become overgrown and difficult to manage. This work is planned to commence this term and we will keep you updated as this work progresses. Watch this space as things are starting to change.


From Mme. Pommier,

French Director.


Chers parents et tuteurs,


Nous espérons que cette semaine en ligne s’est bien passée pour vous et votre famille. 


Parents, vous avez sûrement ressenti la lassitude de vos enfants ces derniers jours. L’extension du confinement a certainement créé de la nervosité, de l’anxiété et parfois de la frustration auprès de nos élèves.  L’une des stratégies recommandées par les psychologues pour surmonter ces sentiments négatifs est d’apprendre à nos enfants à se focaliser sur ce qu’ils peuvent contrôler et non sur ce qui leur échappe. À la maison, les enfants peuvent décider de changer leurs meubles de place, peuvent choisir leurs vêtements chaque jour, être créatifs avec leurs menus et dresser la liste des amis qu’ils souhaitent contacter dans les prochains jours. N’hésitez pas à contacter les parents des amis de votre enfant pour organiser des playdate en ligne.


Les professeurs, de leur côté, ont préparé un certain nombre de surprises pour la semaine à venir. Des invités-surprise, des activités attrayantes et uniques ! 


Cette semaine, les élèves présents à l’école ont préparé une vidéo pour les professeurs afin de les remercier pour leur soutien durant cette période difficile. Réaliser un acte de gratitude est une excellente idée pour motiver les élèves. N’hésitez pas à demander à vos enfants s’ils souhaitent réaliser une vidéo pour leurs professeurs afin de les remercier. Les plus belles vidéos seront publiées sur notre site. 

Voici la vidéo réalisée à l’école : Thank you . Elle pourra inspirer vos enfants et servir de modèle !

Merci à Broden, notre nouvel assistant principal pour le montage et la réalisation de cette vidéo.


Bon weekend à tous,



Dear parents and carers,


We hope that this week of remote learning was a pleasant one, for you and your family. 


Parents, you have probably sensed some fatigue in your children these past days. The announcement of the lockdown extension may have generated some degree of nervousness and anxiety, perhaps even frustration in our students.  One of the strategies recommended by psychologists to help overcome the negative feelings is to teach our children how to focus on the elements of their lives that they can control, instead of those beyond their reach. At home, they can decide to rearrange their bedroom furniture, choose their clothes for the day, create interesting meal menus and pen down a list of friends they would like to contact in the coming days. Do not hesitate to contact the parents of your child’s friends to organise online playdates.


As for the teachers, they have prepared some fun surprises for the coming week. Surprise guests and unique and enticing activities will be on the menu. 


This week, the students attending the supervision program at school have prepared a video, for the teachers, to thank them for their support during this difficult period. Preparing an act of gratitude is an excellent way to motivate the students. Don't be reluctant to ask your child if they would like to prepare a thank you video for the teachers.  Some of these will be published on our website. Here is the link to the one that was produced at school: Thank you. View the video at the link. It may inspire your child to create their own. 


Thank you to Broden, our new Assistant Principal, for filming and editing the video.


Wishing a great weekend to all.