Farewell FPS

A Farewell from Bronwyn

Our outgoing School Council President, Bronwyn Wolfgang, has written a farewell to the FPS community. Bon voyage and best of luck with your next adventures Bronwyn!


Farewell to FPS

It doesn’t seem very long ago that we had returned to Melbourne from a four-year posting overseas. Our first priority was to find a school for our young kids. We toured several schools from Middle Park to East Brunswick with mixed feelings. Then we got a tour from the thoughtful, assistant principal at Fairfield Primary School, Paul Wallace. We sensed that the school would be a good place for our kids and that has certainly been the case. 


That was in November 2016. Since then, we’ve all enjoyed being a part of the fabulous Fairfield community.  For Morgan, the highlight has been making all of her fantastic friends. Vivien has particularly loved being a part of student voice. Brad fondly remembers waking up at 5am to get the barbecue started for the school fair’s pulled pork stand. I’ve loved being a part of the School Council and working with the high-calibre members of council, staff and parents who all want to lend their expertise and time to make the school the best it can be.


We will miss you all at Fairfield! However, we are moving USA to be closer to family, which we are all very excited about. 


We wish you all the very best. 

A new home town - USA
A new home town - USA


~ Bronwyn, Bradley, Morgan and Vivien Wolfgang