Middle School Report

Middle School Team News

The Middle School has a busy Term 2 as we complete our second round of CATS and focus in on end of semester assessment..

Our program continues to be a busy, relevant and exciting with many “first time” opportunities for our students.


Our Year 10’s were lucky enough to hear from the Pat Cronin foundation – “One Punch Campaign”. This emotional and moving presentation put into perspective the need to avoid physical confrontations that lead to violence and the trauma and tragedy that can come from this. Thanks to Ms Norton for organising this and hopefully all year levels can hear this story and learn from this.


Our Year 10’s went indoor rock climbing in the city as a part of their Outdoor Education program. Thanks to Mr Gayfer (arm in sling!) for organising this.

Our Year 9’s have also experienced the Holocaust museum which details life during this horrible chapter in our history.

Ms Popovska and Ms Michael provided our Year 9’s with an amazing opportunity to hear from Mr. Jim Berg: Aboriginal Elder of the Gunditjmara People of South-Western Victoria. Jim’s personal and emotional story had our audience captivated and in awe of what Jim had experienced. This one off opportunity was the highlight of our Year 9 program this semester.




Kind regards 


Middle School Team 

Ms Lily Popovska Year 9 Coordinator 

Mr David Gayfer Year 10 Coordinator

Ms Tammy Di Marco – Subschool Office Manager  

Mr Nick Vass – Middle School Leader