School News

Kindergarten Enrolments for 2022

Kindergarten enrolments for 2022 are now open.  If you would like an enrolment package, please contact the school office. 


If you have already received an enrolment package for your Kindergarten 2022 child, please complete the form and return it to the school office as soon as possible so your enrolment interview can be scheduled. 


Please note, that until enrolment paperwork is received at the school office, we can not hold places for Kindergarten 2022.  Therefore, if you currently have a child at St Mary's and have a younger sibling starting Kinder next year, please let the school office know as soon as possible.

Walk Safely to School Day

Choir Eisteddfod

Our students have been practicing hard for the upcoming Choir Eisteddfod to be held at Lazenby Hall in Week 6.  Notes have been published on Compass please action these before Thursday, 20 May 2021.  For parents wanting to visit Lazenby Hall to watch the choirs sing please see the note below from the Eisteddfod organisers.

School Fees

School Fee Statements have been sent out for Term 2.  Payments are due by Friday, 21 May 2021. 

Recycle your Bread bags and Tags

We are collecting empty bread bags and tags (it can be any bread bags and tags - not just Wonder) to be recycled and made into exercise equipment.  There will be collection boxes in the school front foyer. 


Winter Canteen Menu

A reminder that the Canteen will accept cash for purchase of icy-poles and drinks, after Second Lunch only.  All other Morning Tea and Lunch orders will still need to be preordered and purchased through the Qkr app. The canteen will be serving the Winter Menu this Term and Term 3.  Please see the menu below.

Clothing Pool

With COVID restriction changes we can now open our clothing pool on Friday mornings from 9am-10am.  A big thank you to our clothing pool co-ordinator Kylie.  Please contact the school office on 6772 4441 or to book a time for an appointment, as the social distancing restrictions still apply.

Compass Pay

We have started to phase out using Qkr! as a payment method and are starting to use  Compass Pay for permission consents and payments for excursions. This term we will gradually move our other items on Qkr!, including Uniform and Canteen purchases, over to Compass Pay. 


Please contact us if you have any problems while making payments during this changeover period.  Below is a quick user guide for your information.


Consent and Payment for Events

When an event has been created that you need to action for your child, you will see a notification on your dashboard.

When you click the notification, you will be taken to your Action Centre page.  Here you will see events awaiting your consent/payment on the Action Centre tab.

You can also click to the 'Events' tab to view either Upcoming Events or Past Event information.

To consent/pay online for an event, you need to click the ‘Awaiting consent and payment’ button for that event. 

This will take you into that specific event.  You will see an option to download a manual form if needed. You will then need to work through the aspects of the event.

When the event requires consent, there will be a consent section in which the parent needs to enter their name to provide consent.

When you have entered all the required information, if payment is required for this event you can select your payment option from the drop-down and then click 'Process'.

When you have completed the consent/payment for an event, it will show the status ‘Attending’.  You can click the event to see details pertaining to the event.


Catholic Schools Week

We are celebrating Catholic Schools Week starting on Monday, 24 May.

Newsletter Contributions

Contributions for the next newsletter need to be emailed to by 5pm, Tuesday 25th May 2021.