
"Challenging... Inspiring...Faith Building!"

Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish

Saints Mary and Joseph Cathedral Parish

Weekend Mass Times:

Saturday Vigil - 6 pm

Sunday - 8 am, 10 am and 5.30 pm


Please follow the social distancing directions at the Cathedral.





May is traditionally a month devoted to Mary.  This year we especially consider Mary and her spouse, Joseph.  Mary and Joseph consented to a  “union of hearts,” as spouses. During our Eucharistic Prayers we acknowledge that their union is forever, highlighting the longevity of the Holy Family. It is our privilege to share in this family through baptism.


The month of May, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, starts with the feast of St. Joseph the Worker. Even on the calendar they are joined.  This year is even more special as the Holy Father has declared 2021 to be the Year of St. Joseph.


The message of this month, (and the year), is that we are members of the Holy Family — a family founded on the permanent “union of hearts” in Mary and Joseph.


To you, O Blessed Joseph,

do we come in our afflictions,

and having implored the help

of your most holy spouse,

we confidently invoke

your patronage also.


Through that charity which

bound you to the Immaculate

Virgin Mother of God

and through the paternal love

with which you embraced 

the Child Jesus,

we humbly beg you graciously

to regard the inheritance

which Jesus Christ has

purchased by His Blood and

with your power and strength

to aid us in our necessities.

