Classroom News - Year 6

Mr Garraud & Mrs Walters

To the beautiful Mothers and Significant women we get to work with...

Long Awaited Package!

The Jerseys have arrived! The students are extremely thrilled, to say the least, and they look rather good too!


Students had the opportunity to work with Year 5 last week when we conducted our breakdown buddies session. This gave both Year groups the opportunity to share what they have been learning about persuasive texts. It was such a success that we will be including more of these cross stage experiences to give Year 6 the opportunity to show leadership within the classroom.


Maths - It's Electrifying!

Students are continuing with exploring all sorts of Electricity bills and how to apply addition and subtraction skills to an everyday context and in the coming weeks, we will move into unpacking multiplication and division. 

Students have learned what credit, payment received, balance brought forward, discount, and other terminology that requires the operations of addition and subtraction. We have had some very robust and rewarding mathematical conversations that really bring to life what adding and subtracting actually is!


Creative Arts - Drama

Students have enjoyed playing 'Never have I ever' in Drama, in the context of building empathy in the role as an Immigrant crossing a border, and an Aboriginal in the 1960's. Students have been extremely insightful and serious in unpacking these important yet very serious topics.


PD/H/PE - Athletics Training

Jay Stone is passing on his Athletic knowledge at school over a series of lessons focusing on the skills of Athletics. Long Jump practice using pool noodles to refine our technique and increase our jump height! Shot put and discus showdown on Tuesday and High Jump to come!


GRIP Leadership Experience

To say that the students were true ambassadors of our school on Monday is an understatement! We had the privilege of taking the students to the annual GRIP Leadership conference - a day of games, drama skits, and capacity build that underpin strong lessons in: how to be a leader; what you can do when you lead; and how to get your ideas off the ground. 

We have several students chosen to appear on stage and either participate or share their responses. 

Well done Year 6!

2021 Art Show

Congratulations to all the Year 6 students who have produced some very fine artworks! You will be pleasantly visually entertained when you come to see it for yourself!


Maths Competition 

Congratulations to Annabel, George and Laura who represented St Mary's in the Newcastle Permanent Maths competition. These students were chosen based on their high level of computation and problem solving skills. 

We think we came around 7th, however, this was just an estimate and not officially confirmed as they only announced 1st to 6th place (wink, wink!). The students were, however, very challenged and had a great time virtually competing other students from around the state!