Classroom News - Year 4

Mrs Ross and Mr Norrie


We would like to begin our message today by sharing a huge congratulations to our children for their attendance at Mass last Wednesday. We were encouraged by the children's reverence and participation and look forward to our next opportunity to celebrate Mass as a Year 4 community.


Year 4 is benefitting from Mr. Jay Stone's expertise in preparing for the athletics carnival in the coming weeks. Mr. Stone has been explicitly demonstrating the skills necessary for the children to participate in their field with confidence. On Tuesday the children focused on throwing skills for Discus, Shotput, and Javelin, and on Friday they will learn about High Jump skills. Once again, the children's focus and great manners were appreciated, and enjoyed, by the teachers.


The children who attended Cross Country at Barraba last Friday had a great day. We congratulate the children on their performances and behaviour, and extend our best wishes to Lucy Bible who will represent our school at the Polding level later in the term. Congratulations also to Mercy Suluma who will be the first reserve. 


In Religion we are focusing on the Easter season. We have been examining the disciple's response to the Resurrection, exploring their feelings of fear, doubt, faith and joy. We have discussed what Jesus asked the disciples to do and have considered who are the disciples of today.


We have just completed a unit about Decimals. This unit was a tricky concept but children demonstrated growth with their understanding. We have now begun learning about Angles - our focus is identifying the different types of angles, and where we find them.


We are extending our skills at writing an information text through writing an explanation in our Science unit about the Sun, Moon and Earth.


The children have also been working creatively to complete their Visual Arts activities. They have used a variety of skills to create an ANZAC themed artwork and our interpretation of a Colour Wheel.


We would like to request some help with supplying boxes of tissues for classroom use, please. We have very limited supplies available. Thank you for your continued support.