What's happening in our learning spaces? 

Our Students of the Week




For displaying confidence when answering questions during the whole class Google meets. Thank you for sharing your answers, Isla. You are a STAR!
FAMOrlando BonacciFor having such a positive attitude and being so resilient as you engaged in remote learning this week. You were unwell, but still actively participated in Google Meet sessions by sharing your thinking and answering questions. Well done! 
1/2SCSkyler Fitzgerald For being a confident and respectful collaborator during our Google Meets sessions! Keep it up, Skyler! 
1/2BFDannte Culosi-ThiaguFor being a respectful and responsive communicator during our whole class Google Meets. Well done Dannte!
1/2MDAlexander HansenFor being an amazing communicator during our Google Meets. Alexander, you always listen to other students in a respectful manner and you share your learning, speaking confidently and effectively.  Well done superstar!



For her positive attitude to learning in the way she asks thoughtful questions and thinks reflectively on how she learns.



For her enthusiastic participation in her whole class and small group Google meets. Eliana responds to all questions asked of her and posts in the chat to assist others.


Di Bartolo

For showing resilience and persistence during remote learning. Congratulations Samara for attending  our scheduled Google Meets and for engaging positively online. Keep up the super effort!
5/6OSEva ArounsavatFor always having a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards all her learning and for writing an incredibly creative narrative that included lots of descriptive language. You’re a star Eva!
5/6VCLuana FazzariFor being very respectful during google meets and completing all set learning tasks.  Well done Luana!
5/6CFTiana PasceriFor being a super self-manager during remote learning. You emailed your teacher to let her know that you needed some assistance with a learning activity and met her on a google meet for some 1:1 help. Well done, Tiana, that is the type of responsible learner we like to see.

Zac Ambrosini


Congratulations to Zac for being such a problem solver and working out the three items that measure 25cms. You did a great job finding and measuring things around your home.  Well done Zac!
Sally SWB


Di Salvo


For being an enthusiastic learner and for being a great friend.

Well Done Anthony. Keep up the great work!

Foundation News

It has been another busy week, but despite the challenges of lockdown, we have still managed to engage in lots of amazing learning online! As we venture into our second week of lockdown, we celebrate the week that was, and consider ourselves fortunate to live in a modern society of technology where we are able to connect and learn with each other through various online platforms. 


This week in Foundation AM and LW, we engaged in online Google Meets every morning and every afternoon. We were so excited to see each other, have a chat and share our learning with each other. 


As readers, we listened to lots of different stories and used the Colourful Semantics cards ‘who’, ‘when’, ‘where’ and ‘what doing’ to  identify who was in the story, where it was set and what the characters were doing. In Foundation LW, we enjoyed listening to the story “In My Heart”, which explored different feelings and emotions. As communicators, we shared how we were feeling with each other and why we were feeling that way. In Foundation AM, we read the story “King Pig” by Nick Bland, and talked about being nice to others. As communicators, we shared our favourite part of the story. As thinkers, we revised our letter sounds and some of us looked for objects in our home that represented those sounds. We practised reading and writing our sight words and putting them into sentences. We especially loved reading and writing CVC words, which are made up of three letters that all make a sound. We stretched them out and identified all three sounds. 


As mathematicians, we have collaborated to count, order numbers, read and write numbers, identify what number comes between two numbers and identify before and after numbers. In Foundation LW, we collected data about our favourite colours and in Foundation AM, we listened to the story “How Many Legs?” by Ursula Dubasarsky and tried to work out how many legs there were all together by counting them on each animal. 

As communicators and collaborators, we have all had a chance to share our learning with each other, talk about our days and share what we are most proud of. We have had time and opportunity to show our writing, and Mrs Wenckowski and Miss Marsico love how we are remembering “what good writers do” as we write. Some of us shared our pets and our favourite toys with each other, and we all made sure to take turns and listen respectful to what everyone else had to say. 


We are so proud of the students' efforts this week. They have been focused, engaged and persistent as they actively participated in all their online sessions and learning tasks. We look forward to another fantastic week of remote learning, and hope to see everyone back at school on Friday. 

Stay safe!

Foundation Team,

Alycia Marsico and Leanne Wenckowski. 

Year 1/2

It has been wonderful to view the upbeat and positive faces of our students on our screens each day. We commend our students for being great communicators through their effective speaking and respectful listening.  Well done team 1/2! 


Our Google Meets so far have involved furry friends, favourite fairy tales, superpowers, future occupations, cooking videos and opportunities for everyone to showcase and share their learning.  There was even an A.C.D.C. jam involving air guitars, real guitars, recorders and voices making a lot of noise! 

The students have demonstrated the learning asset of self-managers by working through the Victorian Curriculum learning in English and Mathematics that we sent home in the packs.  Numeracy learning has focused on reading and writing numbers, skip counting, generating numbers and some games explained by Mrs Monaghan on the Google Classrooms. 

Dianna M and Joe G found items around their homes measuring 25cm   

Students have completed reading responses and appear to enjoy working through the writing grid.  As writers, they have clearly focused on entertaining, persuading and informing the reader.  Students received their second learning pack s outlining the remote learning schedule.  Please contact us if you need further clarification.


We can’t wait to see our students back in our learning spaces!


Kindest regards,

Stefanie Carriera, Belinda Filippone and Maria Delaney

Year 3/4

Welcome to week two of remote learning. It presents many challenges but one positive is the opportunity for students to be more autonomous and responsible for their own learning. Many students are showing some independence either through completing their work, in seeking assistance when they need it, or attending their online Google Meets. 

This week students will complete most tasks through the Google Classroom. Learning tasks are set out either by subject area or by the day. Activities to be completed on-line are indicated by a Google doc page for each individual student. 


Students have been placed into reading groups with the book available to be read on the Classroom page. The related learning tasks for comprehension are with the text. Math tasks revolve around reading and interpreting graphs and are completed via Google docs.

The inquiry into science revolves around doing simple experiments.  These are not meant to cause any difficulty at home and use everyday items found at home. Students may need some assistance especially in filming their experiment. They can be done when suited at home.


We thank all students for their effort during this remote learning period. We encourage them to continue to try their best. It is a good opportunity for students to practice their e-learner skills.


If you are able, could you please take a photo of students at work or of their remote learning space and email it to us at your convenience. 


Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or queries.


Graham Troy, Katarina Davidson and Mark MacGregor.

Year 5/6

The 5/6 students have been such super self-managers, displaying great responsibility and initiative by attending the google meets with their teacher and submitting their learning activities on time. We understand that remote learning is not the same as face to face teaching and we are sure the 5/6 students are missing the interaction with their friends at school, however the students have shown brilliant patience, resilience and a positive attitude. This is so fantastic and heartwarming to see.


In Literacy, the students have been reading a variety of comprehension texts that include both literal and inferential questions. This week they will be answering questions about a text that has an issue or event and what the cause and effect of this is. They will also be watching some Kids News clips and answering comprehension questions about the news clips. The students have been focusing on writing short texts about a scene or event using interesting adjectives and exciting language and they then wrote a short narrative. This week they will be learning what paraphrasing means and how to paraphrase sentences into their own words.


In Maths, the students have been practising their times tables and using them to help them solve various multiplication equations. They have also learnt more about finding the area and perimeter of regular and irregular shapes. It is very important that the students keep practising their times tables and strategies to help them solve the ones they find more tricky as it helps them in many areas of Maths. There are many songs, raps, games etc that can help them learn their times tables facts with  more efficiency.


In Inquiry this week the students have a research and creative task where they need to educate/persuade others to use energy more efficiently or teach them about an energy issue and how we can reduce the negative impacts on the environment. They can choose from a variety of creative/artistic ways to educate/persuade others such as a cartoon strip, a poster, art piece, film an advertisement, write a short film script, make a picture story etc.


All of the students learning activities are posted in a learning table/grid on Google Classroom each day as well as the teachers meeting students on Google Meets. We look forward to teaching your students on line for remote learning this week and seeing their beautiful faces and super attitudes, but of course we can't wait to see them face to face as soon as possible.

Stay safe and well everyone and see you all soon.

Kind Regards,


Year 5/6 team

Mrs Casamento, Miss Tania, Miss Sargent and Mrs Clarke