Learning & Teaching

Learning and Teaching encompasses the following areas: Student Outcomes, Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting, Principles and Pedagogy.

LITERACY - Di Manthos

I hope you’re all keeping safe and coping as best as you can with this lockdown. Melbournians have certainly been affected the most. I’m keeping all families who are doing it tough in my thoughts and prayers. 


Kath Murdoch, as you know, works with our students and teachers. Kath is a curious and reflective learner herself and endeavours to instil this in us. 


This learning story that she put together and shared with us, is just one example of how Discover workshops promote curiosity and how students' interests are developed and encouraged. Teachers in F-2 endeavour to create an environment of curiosity and wonder. 

NUMERACY  - Colleen Monaghan

I hope you are all doing well at home, it’s been lovely working with some of our children over the week with their maths.


I managed to make the white chocolate and coconut cookies twice this week, they have been a hit with my family. I hope some of you managed to try the recipe out.  (I did use dark and white chocolate)


I set a few challenges to students and have loved seeing their work sent back. Here are a few photos of the juniors investigating 3 items around their home that when laid end to end measure 25 cms.  (Zac, Estelle, Samuel, Felix)

 measured 3 lego things- a box, a piece, and a car I made.

13.5 + 6.5 + 5 = 25cm     (Felix 1/2BF)


I have also attached a photo of Monty and Tess playing one of the games sent home with the Juniors.

Terminator- a favourite of  Monty ,Tess and mine


Ideas to do at Home