What's happening in the classrooms

The Junior School has been very busy these past few weeks. We have been starting each day with PMP (Perceptual Motor Program) and Aural language. Thank you to the parents who have been joining us each morning.


In Literacy the Juniors have been focusing on phonics reading and writing. In reading the students have been focusing on facts and opinions, where students have been identifying the difference between a fact and their own opinion. While in writing the students have been consolidating their reading skills and have been working on expositions. 


In Maths over the past few weeks students have worked on their addition and subtraction skills using concrete materials and mental strategies to build their knowledge. The students have also looked at time, where we have looked at how to tell the time with an analogue and digital clock to the hour and half hour. We have also studied the months of the year, seasons and our own school routine. 


In Religious Education, the Junior School has been exploring the ways that prayer helps us grow our relationship with God. Over the past few weeks, students reflected and discussed the significance of the Ascension and Pentecost where they created prayers “How is God the light of my world?”


We have been continuing our Inquiry using the big concept of Rights and Responsibilities “How can we respect the rights and responsibilities of others?” Students have been focusing on their own rights and responsibilities within their own communities, and have had a big focus on their own rights in the classroom. Students have been working collaboratively to share their own knowledge with others respectfully.  


We look forward to continuing our learning journey together and seeing where it is going to take us.

Casey Sykes

1/2 classroom teacher