From the Foundation Classrooms

Perceptual Motor Program (P.M.P.) - Term 2



Every Wednesday afternoon, from 2:40pm to 3:25pm, Foundation students take part in the Perceptual Motor Program (P.M.P.). This program aims to develop children's perceptions and understanding of spatial awareness. It develops fine and gross motor skills and promotes hand-eye coordination, concentration and attention, locomotion, and confidence to 'have a go.' 


Foundation students have been placed into six mixed grade groups. They are involved in activities such as balancing, eye tracking, crawling through, jumping over, hopping, skipping, climbing, throwing, catching, strength and body control. 


We are always looking for parent helpers to assist with these sessions. If you can help out please speak to your child's teacher or type your name into the P.M.P. parent roster (see link below). Thank you to all parents who have volunteered their time to assist with this valuable program.


Below are some photos from our last P.M.P. session, the students all had a fantastic time!