Active Travel 

Update on the Term 2 Activities in Active Travel!

Walk and Wheel Wednesday 

It has been great to see that even though the weather has become a little cooler, 54% of the students in the school are walking or wheeling to school. 


Well done everyone and keep “pounding the pavement” with the soles of your shoes or the rubber of your bicycle tyres!


3RP are continuing to lead the school being the class with the most walkers and wheelers over the last 2 weeks. Yesterday, they won on 88%. 3RO came in 2nd on 77% and 4CB came in 3rd on 76%. In week 3, 3RP won on 88% again, 4CB came in 2nd on 75% and 6FT came in just behind them on 74%. 


It’s a very close competition! Keep up the great walking and wheeling everyone!

Dr Cranky's   

On Wednesday 5th of May, The Dr Cranky’s Program commenced. Graham from Dr Cranky’s with the help of Steve, Steven, Dan and Wooi Chong (all from 1ET), arrived early to set up the Dr Cranky’s equipment and learn how the program works.


On the day, 2 bikes were kindly donated by Eleanor 2FB and Clara 4JT. The Dr Cranky’s team started assessing them and continued to work on them yesterday.


In addition to recycling bikes, the Dr Cranky’s team will tune up bikes if they are not working very well.  If your child’s bike needs some care, please bring your bikes in on a Wednesday morning.  The Dr Cranky’s volunteers can also lube chains, fix flat tyres and replace damaged or broken gear cable or brake cables etc. if their bikes require this to get them back riding.


If you would like to learn more about the program, come down and meet everyone on a Wednesday morning before school from 8:30am. You can also look at the website


If you would like to donate a bike, please come down on a Wednesday morning or email me on


The Dr Cranky's Team look forward to seeing you there.


Learn to Ride a Bike Program

The first group of students have commenced on the “Learning to ride your bike program.” Yesterday was the second week and students who have not been able to ride on two wheels at all are beginning to make progress. 


The students in the current group have one more week to go! With practise in between the sessions, they will gain more confidence to take the risk and ride a little faster so that they can balance more easily.


Balance is the key when learning to ride as well as understanding that your shoulders have to work really hard to maintain that balance. 


Thank you to the Grade 6 Sports Leaders who are assisting with the program, your help is greatly appreciated. And well done to the students who are learning to ride, you are all showing great tenacity in your endeavor master bike riding on two wheels. 



Julie Tainsh

(Active Travel Coordinator)