Year 6 Writing Competition

by Cat Fleming

Every year the Rotary Club of North Balwyn, supported by Officeworks Kew East, runs a writing competition for the year six students of North Balwyn primary schools. Contestants’ essays are judged on the clarity of the writing (including spelling and grammar), the quality in the ideas expressed and the innovative thinking and imagination the writer has presented. 

This year 88 students (including 17 of our own) from Balwyn North, Belle Vue, Boroondara Park, Greythorn, St Bede’s submitted their essays on the topic 'What Will My Life Be Like in 20 Years Time?' competing for prizes of the following Officeworks Gift Vouchers:-


First prize ...     $1,000 = two $500 vouchers (one for student, one for school)

Second prize ... $500  = two $250 vouchers (one for student, one for school)

Third prize ...    $300 = two $150 vouchers (one for student, one for school)

Five encouragement prizes ... 5 x $100 vouchers (one for each of five students)


We are delighted to publish below the work of Ava  (6JK), who was awarded one of the 8 prizes, and are very proud to share her essay with the school community. Well done on your Encouragement Award, Ava!



20 Years From Now…

Life can be so unique!You never know what it can throw at you. When I think of life, I 

dream of endless possibilities. The world has changed over time and will continue to change.

I am grateful for what I have. I do what most kids do my age. I’m 11 years old. My life is busy with school. When I’m not at school, I spend my time doing gymnastics, swimming, karate, riding my bike, listening to music, hanging out with friends, playing on my i-pad, reading, watching movies and eating lots of ice-cream!

Change is part of life. Look at all the major changes from 20 years ago to now. They’re truly amazing! Think about phones…we didn’t have i-phones. What about T.V? We didn’t have Netflix to watch movies. These are just a few examples. I wasn’t even born 20 years ago! That’s two decades! Wow!

In 20 years,so much can happen! Now close your eyes and just imagine…life could change in so many ways, couldn’t it? We, the future generation can create ways to improve life even more.

Technology is responsible for so many adaptations. It can make life easier and better. For example, solar power could be used by all houses, schools and buildings. It’s kinder to the environment, more efficient and saves costs. Electric cars could replacepetrol cars everywhere and this would help save the environment from pollution - they could even be driverless (how cool would that be)!

We could use super planes that could get us to our destination in half the time! Robots could be helpers that can ease our daily life at home, school and work. This spares us a lot of time! I envision them to be like R2D2 and C3PO or BB8 from Star Wars, only they would be upgraded and speak like humans. 3D holograms could be used to watch movies - what an amazing experience! We could improve our scientific medical research and that could help save many lives with new cures and treatments. Life could change in so many good 


However, not all changes will be positive in the future. If we don’t protect the environment, we could be destroying our quality of air, water and soil, basically our survival tools. We will have to dodge bullets like every other generation. In reality, science and technology can harm nature and people. We shouldn’t be afraid of change! We need a balance and must understand how future inventions affect our planet.

Therefore in 20 years, I like to picture a greener, healthier and more advanced way of living. The greener the world, the better! I believe there will be exciting changes that will improve life. What’s important to remember is that life is a precious gift and it’s up to us to takecare of each other, the environment and what path we choose to live. There are so 

many opportunities waiting for us in 20 years!

By Ava .