Faith and Mission

From the Mission Team

Faith Life 

Reception students helped to light the first candle to mark the beginning of the Advent season in a liturgy which was moving and reverent. The girls read the prayers with confidence and reverence and as always sung the hymns with great exuberance. The liturgy helped all to reflect on the meaning of Advent as a time of prayer and preparation for the true celebration of Christmas.


The last Monday liturgy for the Junior School gave praise and thanks for the many liturgies celebrated over the past year. Following the liturgical cycle, Monday liturgies not only provide an opportunity for the community to begin the week together in prayer and song, but offers a gentle introduction into the Feasts and celebrations of the Catholic Church as is our tradition. Liturgies also mark global and cultural events. Headed by Class prayer leaders and assisted by Social Justice leaders, the liturgies are student focused and led. Liturgy leaders help to set up the hall each week, lighting candles, setting up microphones and running the PowerPoint, a role undertaken every single Monday throughout the school year. This leadership role is a great commitment by these student leaders and this Liturgy provided us with an opportunity to give thanks for their many hours of service. Thanks, was also extended to Class teachers who also prepare a liturgy each semester with the assistance of Mrs Roberts. Student leaders will support the end of year final celebrations by leading Prayer at the Christmas concert and the year 6 Graduation Mass and finally, play pivotal roles in the Christmas End of year Mass.


The final whole school Mass took place on Thursday 8th December. Celebrated by Fr Chris Jenkins, the Mass will give thanks for, yet another joy filled year and marks the end of our Year of Freedom leading the way in 2023 to the Year of Justice. Staff will celebrate an end of year liturgy on the last day, ending the year in the same manner as begun, in praise and thanks as a community for all we are blessed to have.


Faith and Philosophy Activities 


Christmas Cookies 

Social Justice in action was on display in Mrs Chiappin-Scalzi’s Year 10 Faith and Philosophy. The students enthusiastically baked cookies for the Vinnies Christmas Hamper Appeal.


The class packaged over 80 gifts which will hopefully bring some Christmas cheer to those who are facing challenges this festive season. Well done everyone! 


Yarning Circles

Ms Emma Searle’s faith and philosophy classes have been developing the practice of ‘yarning circles’. These circles are the practice of speaking and listening from the heart.  The circles are a unique way to learn about each other and to share dialogue on several topics. The yarning circles help to develop connectedness and empathy. The classes have held their yarning circles in our beautiful Acacias and Indigenous gardens.

Social Justice 

The Vinnies Christmas Appeal is currently in progress across the Junior and Senior schools and many donations have already been received for this final Social Justice drive. 

The Junior School Social justice leaders made posters and flyers and visited classrooms to help maintain the momentum. 


In the Senior school, hampers are flowing from both the staff and students. The Peace and Justice group are also making Christmas cards to send along with hampers.  Year 8 students have been Christmas messages in the cards. 


Loreto families, as always, are magnanimous in supporting those who are less fortunate, ensuring that as many families as possible experience, even if in a small way, the joy of Christmas. We are always grateful for such support. 


We wish you all a joyful and peaceful Christmas.