Learning Across the 

Junior School

From the Head of Junior School and Early Learning

We have enjoyed a range of end of year events in the Junior School and ELC, celebrating the accomplishments of our students and our wonderful Loreto school spirit and community. At Junior School class Showcases the girls proudly shared their achievements and the rich learning activities they have engaged in this term. Our Preschool Graduation and Year 6 Graduation ceremonies were full of joy, with both events marking significant transition times for our students. Our Year 6 girls look forward to joining our Senior Campus in 2023 and our Preschool children are excited to start school at the beginning of the year. We wish all graduating students a fabulous time as they take the next steps in their learning journey.


At our College Mass today we came together to give thanks for our remarkable year and to celebrate Christmas. In community, we also acknowledged the academic achievements, and service and leadership contributions of our girls across Years 4-11 at our Awards Ceremony. All end of year occasions filled our hearts with love and that wonderful ‘proud to be Loreto’ feeling. I thank all families for joining us at our ELC-Year 6 Christmas Picnic, what a fabulous evening we shared together. I also warmly thank the many parents who have volunteered this year to organise P&F functions, coach a sporting team, and participate in class excursions and activities - we greatly appreciated your support throughout the year.


May you enjoy a beautiful Christmas and festive season with your families. We look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Tuesday 31 January. 


Ms Marika Snell

Head of Junior School and Early Learning

Receptions Visit Adelaide Zoo

Our wonderful Reception Class ventured to the Adelaide Zoo yesterday to learn about all living things as part of their Inquiry Unit for Term 4. The girls had a blast listening and learning from the Zoo Keeper, getting up close to reptiles and enjoying the grounds! 

Reception and Year 1 Term 4 Showcases

Our Reception and Year 1 students proudly presented their work to their loved ones this week. The girls have come so far from the beginning of the school year and it was wonderful to see their progress and achievements! Thank you to all families who came along to listen to the girls about what they have been learning this term.


Reception Showcase

Year 1 Showcase

Year 6 Graduation

Congratulations to our Year 6 students who had their graduation ceremony this morning. Held in the Performing Arts Centre with our Year 6 families and Junior School in attendance, the morning began with a beautiful liturgy before a formal ceremony and musical items. Well done to all Year 6 students on your hard work this year. We look forward to watching you blossom into strong, passionate and confident young women as you enter the Senior School in 2023.

Studying Music in 2023

Now is a great time to register interest in commencing the study of a musical instrument in 2023. 


We tend to get a big influx of applications at the start of each year and in some cases, there is a wait-list for certain instruments. To avoid delays or disappointment, you are strongly encouraged to submit applications before the end of this school term. 


Application forms can be found at the following link: https://loretoconnect.loreto.sa.edu.au/homepage/7086 or by emailing music@loreto.sa.edu.au

Speech and Drama Success!

Speech and Drama is offered at Loreto College as individual instrumental tuition.  Yes, voice is an instrument, and learning how to speak well and with purpose is something that is an essential life skill.  Students can learn from the different AMEB syllabi including Speech and Performance, Voice and Communication, Acting, Screen Acting, Drama and Communication.  


The following students undertook AMEB examinations earlier this month and are to be congratulated for their results.


Speech and Performance

Olive Maycock (Grade 4) – A + High Distinction


Voice and Communication

Alice Maycock (Grade 8) – B Credit

Fenella McIntosh (Grade 7) – B Credit

Aviril McIntosh (Grade 7) – C+ Pass with Merit

Aspen Penberthy (Grade 3) – A+ High Distinction


Louise Borgo

Speech and Drama Teacher

Summer Code Camp

Code Camp is back over the summer break from 19-21 December and 16-18 January 9am - 4pm.


See flyer below to book now and save $25 by using EARLY25 at the checkout.

Discontinuation of Music Lessons

Please note that the policy at Loreto College is for parents to provide at least four weeks’ notice before the end of term in order to discontinue instrumental music tuition. However, due to the lesser number of weeks in Term 4 and the longer holiday break, we have extended the deadline for this notice to be given. The process is carried out by filling in a Discontinuation of Lessons form. If sufficient notice has not been given, tutors will charge for the next term’s fees.


Please ensure these forms are in by Friday 25 November.