Learning Across the 

Senior School

Language Excursion

This week, all Language Students took part in the Palace Nova Cinema Education Program which showcases many foreign language films. Across all cultures, storytelling has always been an essential tool in education. The Palace Nova Education Program provides relevant and engaging films curated specifically for students to learn from, as well as enjoy. Our Italian, French and Chinese students watched a film in their chosen language subject and enjoyed every minute! It was a chance for the girls to celebrate another year or learning another language. The students would like to thank Mrs Chiappin for organising the event, Ms Ugolini, Ms Wang and Mr Houston for accompanying on the day, and Palace Nova for hosting.

Head Start Program

Our current Year 11s attended the Loreto Head Start Program this week to get them familiar with their Year 12 subject teachers, assessments and requirements for their final year of schooling. The girls were also able to try on their new Loreto Year 12 jumper which was a very exciting time! Thank you to all staff for assisting the girls this week as they prepare for their final academic studies in 2023. 

Year 9 History 

During our Year 9 History, we have been learning about World War One, looking into the aspect of the conditions of living and participating in the War. 


In our double lesson last week, to help us understand what living and eating during World War One would have been like – we undertook the activity of making Hard Tack. Hard Tack is like bread, but is dense with a long life, also known as ANZAC Wafer. We followed a recipe constructed by Arnott’s, which involved firstly collecting all our ingredients. We then commenced the process, stirring together our dry ingredients, then mixing in water to combine. Following this, we kneaded into a ball, letting it rest for 30 minutes. While waiting, we made and taste tested another common war food, better as known as porridge. Which consisted of, breaking up a digestive biscuit, milk powder, hot water, and sugar. This resulted in a mix reaction of feelings, some enjoying the taste, others not so much. Back to the Hard Tack, once risen, we then sorted getting it into the oven to bake for 30 minutes. Once baked, we were able to taste test. Some students enjoyed the taste, others didn’t like the density or the blandness. 


From this practical, we have formed a deeper understanding of the harsh conditions of those involved in World War One and the challenges of War daily. Due to the need of longevity, food available was lacking key nutrients and variety. As a class, we have grown in appreciation and respect for the conditions we live in and how thankful for those who fought for us. 


Ms Mel McCabe & Ms Veronica D'Angelo

Year 7 Book Stall

On Tuesday December 6, the Year 7’s had the opportunity to showcase their learning of writing structures through a book stall. With the audience of the Year 6’s, they hoped to excite them for their choice of book next year. Six groups presented four different books having had time to prepare and perfect their posters, brochures, visual aids, speeches and interactive activities. Many groups used specific patterns or colours to maintain the theme of their book or extracted certain objects or wordplay to display at their stall. The four books follow a theme of global problems and awareness to signify important events in the past and currently ongoing. These books include Spilled Water by Sally Grindley, Shahana by Rosanne Hawke, Once by Morris Gleitzman, and The Boy In Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne. 


Ms Veronica D'Angelo

English & Drama Teacher

Year 10 French Cooking Class

On Wednesday of Week 7, the Year 10 French class was treated to a cooking class by Loreto parent Emma Lyons, who taught the students how to make chocolate éclairs. The students said that this was a great way to finish off the Year 10 studies! Bon appetit!

Senior Musical - Seussical

Congratulations to all students and staff involved in our recent Musical – Seussical!

Performances were held last month to a packed audience, and the talent, costumes and music made for a night to remember. In this fascinating musical journey, Dr Seuss helped us all to believe in the value and dignity of others and in the pure power of the imagination, and this was at the very heart of the show.

Year 8 Design & Technology

This Semester some Year 8 students have navigated the construction of Sleep Shorts or PJ”s. This was a process that included, learning to use a commercial pattern, understand the qualities of using a cotton fabric, and how to be precise and accurate in making the garment. The design included side pockets, buttonholes, an elastic casing, and hems.

Once the Sleep Shorts were completed, they then had to design a Swing Tag. An original brand name and logo were to be included as well as all the Australian standard requirements regarding the information that must be on a Swing Tag. Also, as part of the research a Care Label was to be produced, and as this is an International requirement in the fashion industry. This Care Label had to include all the laundering symbols that can be recognized throughout the world. This was sewn into a side seam inside the Sleep Shorts.

I am very proud of the class’s achievements and on reading their Reflections they also acknowledge that they have learnt so much about garment construction and are proud of their accomplishments.

Ms Jane Densley

Design & Technology Teacher

Discontinuation of Music Lessons

Please note that the policy at Loreto College is for parents to provide at least four weeks’ notice before the end of term in order to discontinue instrumental music tuition. However, due to the lesser number of weeks in Term 4 and the longer holiday break, we have extended the deadline for this notice to be given. The process is carried out by filling in a Discontinuation of Lessons form. If sufficient notice has not been given, tutors will charge for the next term’s fees.


Please ensure these forms are in by Friday 25 November.

Studying Music in 2023

Now is a great time to register interest in commencing the study of a musical instrument in 2023. 


We tend to get a big influx of applications at the start of each year and in some cases, there is a wait-list for certain instruments. To avoid delays or disappointment, you are strongly encouraged to submit applications before the end of this school term. 


Application forms can be found at the following link: https://loretoconnect.loreto.sa.edu.au/homepage/7086 or by emailing music@loreto.sa.edu.au