Sowing the SEADs of Success

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing & Engagement

In 2022, our focus value for Loreto has been on Freedom. Mary Ward’s understanding of freedom flowed from her personal relationship with God and her belief that each one of us, in our ordinary experience of life, has access to God’s loving care. This is the truth that set us free. It is an inner freedom, an acceptance of self, an openness to and with others, and a trust in life. As we near the end of the year, reflecting on Freedom and how it has allowed us to live the life we have is important. I have included the prayer of Freedom for one last time here to help us reflect.  



God of Freedom, give us the courage and confidence to live referring all to You.  

May we learn to know ourselves and be the face of hope for others.  

May we grow in inner freedom and share this gift together.  

May we say yes to the wholeness of life and choose the good each day.  

Grounded in our Loreto story and by the faith of Mary Ward, may we act not out of fear but solely from love, responding with justice to her call, to bring the right of freedom to our world.  

We make this prayer in the name of Jesus who leads us with love and shows us how to be truly free.  



(Created by the Captains of Loreto Schools around Australia at the LSAC Student Leadership Conference November 2021) 


This is ever present in my mind as last weekend I was privileged to take a group of our 2022/23 Student Senior Executive to Ballarat to explore our new value for 2023, Justice. Seventeen of our leaders from six Loreto schools across Australia converged on the oldest Loreto school, Loreto Ballarat to reflect on the message of Mary Ward with a focus on Justice. They created the school prayer for 2023 that will be used across all the Loreto schools with a focus on Justice. It was powerful to spend two and a half days with the future leaders of our schools and in fact Australia to know we are in good hands – their passion, enthusiasm, commitment and drive towards life was palpable and they are excited to lead our schools into 2023. We look forward to sharing the Justice prayer with you when it is ready.  

Our 22/23 student school leaders, Tahlia Warner, India Lange, Hallie Anderson, Scarlett Pearce and Rebecca Lehmann, along with Mrs Partridge travelled to Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak and Loreto Ballarat to meet with the student leaders from other Loreto school to engage in the mission and vision of Mary Ward with a focus on our value of Justice. 


May your year end with Freedom in the words of Mary Ward in 1609, ‘Act not out of fear, but solely from love.’ 


Anna Partridge

Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement 

SEAD Across the College

As the school year draws to an end it is important to continue to support your young person’s wellbeing during the holidays. Please see this handy sheet from Headspace which outlines useful information and strategies. 


If you have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact your daughter’s ELC Educator, Classroom Teacher, or Head of Junior School and Early Learning Centre, or the relevant Leader of Student Wellbeing and Academic Care, or Mentor/Subject Teacher in the Senior School. You also are encouraged to seek medical or professional help. 

The College Psychologist wishes all Loreto families a safe and restful holiday break and a happy new year. See you in 2023. 



Monica Bignold

College Psychologist R-12 

Life in Boarding 

A wonderful night was enjoyed this week with a Christmas dinner and a surprise visit from Santa. The night was a lovely boost for tired and weary girls as the last few days of school approach. Our girls continue to amaze us with acts of kindness towards each other and staff, determination and inquiry about next years' school subjects, and their ability to find the meaningful.


Over the past few weeks, the girls have been participating in an activity for social impact with Solar Buddies, an Australian Charity uniting a global community to illuminate a future for all children. The girls have built 25 solar lights and written letters to girls in a developing country. Just in time for the festive season, these 25 lights are enroute to new homes, and will support education and creating equitable opportunities for 25 young girls.


On behalf of Loreto Boarding Staff, we wish all families an enjoyable festive season.

Ms Kerry Houston

Director of Boarding