Wellbeing Staff

Head Teacher Wellbeing: Mr Kevin Duddy
Mr Duddy coordinates a range of whole school wellbeing programs strategically catering for a diverse range of student learning and wellbeing needs.
Learning and Support Teacher: Mrs Kelly Gaden
is the Learning and Support Teacher. She provides direct and timely specialist assistance to students with disability and additional learning and support needs and their teachers.
Wellbeing and Health In Reach Nurse: Rebecca Collyer
Rebecca is the wellbeing and Health In-reach Nurse coordinator who is employed by NSW Health to work in identified schools. The nurse provides a free and confidential service to children, young people enrolled at the identified schools and their families. We aim to improve the health outcomes of young people and their families by identifying and triaging health, wellbeing and social needs.
Student Support Officer: Evelyn Harrington
Evelyn is the Student Support Officer Wellbeing (SSO). She works with students, parents, school staff, the community and community organisations to support student wellbeing. SSO is a point of call for students seeking support, advice and guidance. Students can self-refer and may be referred by the Learning Support Team, Wellbeing team, Year Advisers, Head Teachers, Deputy Principal and Principal. Mr Kevin Wright and Mrs Lesley Wells are our School Counsellors. They are the people to talk to if you have something private to talk about. They can help sort out how to think about things if you get upset at school or if something at home is bothering you . Appointments can be made via the office.
Aboriginal Education Co-ordinator: Ms Adele Chapman-Burgess
Ms Chapman-Burgess is the Aboriginal Education Co-ordinator - she works closely with teachers to develop culturally appropriate resources and programs. She assists Aboriginal students to achieve their potential and keep the local Aboriginal community informed of students’ progress and achievements, and of parent meetings (AECG), school activities and new programs.
Girls’ Adviser: Mrs Gillett
Mrs Gillett is the Girls’ Adviser, so if you have anything you need to talk about, she is very helpful.
Boys’ Adviser: Mr Taylor
Mr Taylor is the Boys’ Adviser, so if you have anything you need to talk about, he is very helpful.
School Chaplain: Position Vacant