When a student is absent from school or late for school:
Student attendance and safety is a high priority at our school.
Please note that school starts at 8:50am. If your child does not arrive in class on time, their lateness will be recorded as a late partial absence and must be explained by their parent/carer. Students arriving to school after 8:50am are to sign in at the school office where they will receive a late slip to give to their teacher upon entering the class.
Parents and carers are notified by SMS or email when their child is absent from school or arrives after 8:50am without an explanation. On receiving a message, parents/carers can reply by stating the following:
- student's full name
- year
- date of absence
- the reason for absence or lateness. e.g. Jane Doe Year 8 13 March 2024 Sick.
As well as replying to the SMS or email, parents/carers can provide a note, ring the school or use the Sentral Parent Portal to explain their child's absence. Following an absence from school, parents/carers must ensure that within seven (7) days the school is provided with a verbal or written (note or email) explanation for the absence. If an explanation is not received within 7 days, your child's absence will be recorded as unjustified.
Parents/carers are asked to ensure that current mobile numbers and email addresses are provided to the school.
When a student is leaving early
It is essential that an email, note or telephone call from parents/carers is presented at the front office before 9:00am explaining why the student needs to leave early. The student will then be issued with an Early Slip to show their teacher at the time of their departure. It is important that the student carry their pass with them at all times whilst they are out of the school as the Police or a staff member may ask them to produce it.
When a student is not in school uniform
They must bring a note of explanation to the front office. Students who are out of uniform without a note from parents will be marked as out-of-uniform and will be followed up by a Head Teacher. Regular offenders will have their parents contacted and may not be allowed to attend certain school excursions, sporting trips or School Socials.
When a student wants to see their Year Advisor
The student is to see the Year Advisor in his/her staffroom at recess or lunch to make an appointment that is convenient to both Advisor and Student.
When a student wants to see the School Counsellor
Appointments can be made at the front office for parents/carers and/or students wanting the see the School Counsellor.
When a student is going to be away from school for a long time
A week’s notice is required before going away for extended periods e.g. family holidays. The Year Adviser needs to be contacted so they can notify teachers that work will be required. The Principal needs to be advised, this can be done by contacting the school office.