Parent Involvement

The school’s website can be found at
The Glen Innes High School's facebook page can be found at
During the term a newsletter is prepared every fortnight. This is a very important means of communication between the school and home. The newsletter will keep you up to date with the happenings of the school and give you advance notice of coming events. The link for the newsletter is sent to parents via their e-mail address. The link is also uploaded to the school’s website and Facebook page.
Glen Innes High School P&C
Why not join our P&C and get involved with our school community. They meet every second Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm in the Staff Common Room of Glen Innes High School. Join Leanne Eastwood and her team and make great things happen for your child.
President: Leanne Eastwood
Vice President: Gordon McBain and Troy Arandale
Secretary: Natalie Ward
Treasurer: Nicole Husband
Updating Parent/Carer Contact Information
We kindly request that all parents and carers update the contact information for their students. Over time, contact details may have changed for many students, and unfortunately, these updates may not have been relayed to the school. Ensuring accuracy in contact information is vital for promptly reaching out in case of urgent needs.
Please inform the school promptly of any changes to your contact details. This information will be securely stored in our school database. Change of detail notes are available on the SchoolBytes Parent Portal.
It is imperative for effective communication that you provide us with a current email address, as all communications, including notes, are distributed via email.
Ensuring that our Parents/Carers have access to emails is crucial as our school transitions to distributing all notes online. If you require any help with setting up an email account, please don't hesitate to reach out to the school for support.