
Mrs Leanne Newsome - Head Teacher and Mr Scott Miller - Relieving Head Teacher

Science provides explanations for a variety of phenomena and enables sense to be made of the biological, physical and technological world. An understanding of Science provides a basis for future choices and ethical decisions about local and global issues and implications of Science. 


Science is a core subject that must be studied from Year 7 to 10. In Year 11 and 12, specialised science subjects are offered. Students may choose from Biology, Chemistry, Physics & Investigating Science. 


Topics covered in Years 7 - 10 

Students are introduced to working in a Science Laboratory and the skills that they will need to carry out scientific investigations. The major branches of Science are covered as students begin and extend their studies in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geology and Astronomy. 



Agriculture is studied for a minimum of one term in Year 7, as part of Technology mandatory or Year 8. Students may then elect to study Agriculture and Cert 1 in Agrifood Operations & Show Preparation in Year 9 and 10. In Year 11 and 12, Agriculture and Primary Industries may be studied. Agriculture is focused on learning about the growing and raising of plants and animals for food, fibre and other materials needed by society. 




Students may be given topic tests and small projects. Students do a half yearly and yearly exam as well as writing up a practical report. 



Required A 200 page A4 exercise book, 1 blue/black pen, pencil, ruler, glue and scissors. 



Students are given the opportunity to enter in a variety of National Competitions throughout the year. This includes the Science Competition, Chemistry Competition, and the Science and Engineering Challenge. Agricultural competitions include Steer Competitions, Lamb Competitions and Junior Judging at Shows.