
Getting to and from School
School starts at 8.50 am and finishes at 3.00pm. Be aware there is no supervision in the playground before and after school (except from 3.00-3.30pm for those students going home by bus.)
There is a facility to store bikes, skateboards and scooters - these must not be ridden on school grounds.
School buses offer transport to and from the high school. Bus companies can be contacted for details of the various routes. Applications are made online via the NSW Department of Transport.
Timetable Structure
The structure of a high school timetable might seem confusing at the start but you will get used to it. (We promise!) Timetables will be issued on the first day of school. It has a 10 day cycle; Week A and Week B. Monday Week A is Day One and Monday Week B is Day 6. A period is a one hour class. You will have 5 periods each day
Daily Structure
Currently all days are structured as below. School starts at 8.50am and finishes at 3.00pm.