Wellbeing Leader Introduction

Heather Quinn, Wellbeing Leader

I would like to introduce myself to the school community. My name is Heather Quinn, and I am the Wellbeing Leader for Term 1. I was an English teacher at the school in 2022 and had the pleasure of teaching many students from Years 8 to 11. This term, after gaining a qualification in Counselling last year, I have been fortunate enough to step into the wellbeing role.


My role is to coordinate wellbeing supports to encourage student learning and wellbeing by assisting and supporting students with their needs throughout each day. Additionally, I’ll be working collaboratively with the whole staff to assist with a range of issues including, attendance, behaviour, and learning and helping students and families to manage these issues.


I’ll also be taking on facilitating the Student Voice with Mr Peters, and re-establishing other groups where students can come and meet new people and have fun. There will be more information about these in the coming weeks. 


To make an appointment with me, please call the school on (08) 8270 4455 and ask for Student Services who will book a time, or your child can come to Student Services and ask one of the friendly staff at the desk to make a time to see me. 


Warmest regards

Heather 😊