Fete News...Update 

Week 11



Lead Volunteers: 

We are ALMOST there . . . we only need Leads for these REMAINING stalls:

  • Silent Auction x 2 - already two in place but we need more leads to divide & conquer in contacting as many companies / businesses as possible via phone & / or walk our local streets to approach all the businesses for donations to include in our online auction
  • Crazy Hair x 1 - to support our face painting lead by coordinating hair braiding, hair chalk coloring, crimping, teasing of all those beautiful young locks into fabulous fun styles
  • Haunted House x 1 - coordinate between existing OSH team & some grades 5/6 helpers to set up the space for an exciting & surprising walkthrough adventure 
  • Craft Making x 1- to support our Craft Selling Lead in creating a quiet space for our kiddos who may enjoy some time out to make, draw, design their own creations

Email Sam : 1401-npsfete@schools.vic.edu.au



Donations Needed:

Know anyone crafty?  

Any knitters, soap or candle makers, sewing machine gurus or woodworkers?  I’m talking to you too grandparents! Our amazing fete craft stall would love your donations of small and new handcrafted items that we could sell at the fete.  

We'd also love donations of all crafty items such as whole balls of wool if you have some at home, so if you or someone you know are able to donate such items, please get in touch with Julie (mum of Zoe in Grade 5/6) on 0439 391 345.


Blocks of Chocolate

Needed for our 2 x Lob a Choc stalls (super popular so this year we're having two!) 

(Please drop off at the office please for a safe keeping, non-melting area)


Halloween Decorations

Needed for our Haunted House theme we're setting up inside OSH Club


Mystery Bottle stall needs your bottles!  

Please donate any wine / beer / spirits / oils / sauces / body wash / bubble bath for this adult favorite stall.  We always sell out so please have a clean out of your cupboards or pick up something next time you are at the shops.


Calling all bakers!

The Bake stall relies solely on the generous baking donations from your family and friends to make it a success.

If you, a family member or friend enjoys baking then we need you!


In the week leading up to our fete, each family will receive packaging and instructions for your special bakes.

Things that sell extremely well include whole cakes (hummingbird, carrot, teacakes, fruit/nut loaves), fruit pies, brownies, cookies & slices.  Products can include nuts, but please no cream or anything that requires refrigeration. Whilst allergy friendly food is encouraged, we cannot state allergen free on any product.


Donations are preferred the Friday afternoon before the fete (17/3) so the Bake Stall team has time to sort and price your delicious creations.


So dig out your favorite recipes and dust off that apron!



Donation drop offs at our Fete Shed:

Last week of Term 4:


Located next to the basketball courts on the Henry St side of our school, Fete shed will be open:

  • Monday mornings (8.45 - 9am)
  • Monday afternoons (3.20 - 3.45pm)


Please bring in your preloved items such as clothes / books / toys / games / puzzles / bric-a-brac / bikes, scooters etc for our secondhand stalls.


** Fete Shed will reopen in Term 1**




Silent Auction:

Calling out for donations into our Fete’s Silent Auction!



We’re on the hunt for donations for our Silent Auction. It can anything big or small - produce, services, vouchers, hampers, tickets, stays at holiday homes or whatever. 


So, when catching up with friends and family over the holidays, please ask if they are willing to donate to our NPS Silent Auction. 


We have a dedicated team of silent auction helpers (aka elves) who will be talking directly to local businesses, shops, cafes etc along High Street Northcote. 

If you, or you know someone who can contribute to our silent auction, please email silentauction.nps@gmail.com and the elves will follow up.


We would love to know what support is out there in our School community. 

Please get in touch! 




Volunteers on Fete Day:

Here's the link to Sign Up! Sign Up! : https://signup.com/go/SnQxkVp

Rosters are in 1-hour blocks so you can choose a few different stalls to help out on. 


Contact Email:1401-npsfete@schools.vic.edu.au