
House News
Looking Back, in 2022 we evolved to include a diverse range of competitions as the first step of revamping Lyndhurst Secondary College’s House system.
So, how did house points work? Every time students participate in a house event, they have the opportunity to earn a maximum of 10 points. However, this can change depending on the nature of the event. For instance, there are special house events in which students can earn double and even triple points for involving teachers and education support staff. A special event is recognised through the presence of a rainbow star on event posters. Event posters can be found on the school Instagram, compass newsfeed and noticeboard near L1. In addition to this SWPBS points count as house points. So what did these events look like?
Competition highlights for 2022 include Lyndhurst Secondary College’s first live talent show and our lunch clubs hosting competitions such as Mario Kart and Board Games. Competitions for this term include College Yearbook Cover Art Comp, Touch Rugby, Disney Karaoke, Cookie Decorating to the theme of Marvel and DC, Science Week, Book Week and more. Photos from the competitions are available for viewing in the 2022 College Yearbook so be sure to grab a copy. Whether you are skilled in sports, performing arts or STEM there is a chance for you to participate and earn points for your house. If these competitions don’t appeal to your interests, we encourage student voice. Ideas can be submitted by finding the multicoloured box at the front office or simply talking to Ms Thay!
It gives us great pleasure to announce the winning house for 2022: Flintoff.
Congratulations on breaking the Hale winning streak! This is the result of high participation rates from Flintoff in a variety of competitions. In second place we have Hale on 4, 272 points. In third place is Kettner on 3, 958 points and fourth place is Sayers on 2, 918 points. We look forward to another fun-filled year in 2023!