School Highlights

Welcoming parents and carers into Junior School classrooms

On 16 June, we welcomed parents and carers into our Junior School classrooms. Students got to show off what they have been learning and enjoying in class, much to the delight of their loved ones. 

Here's a brief account from Year 1 about their experience of this morning.



Maddison Staude, Year 1 Classroom Teacher 


At the end of last term, we were thrilled to welcome our Year 1 parents to a special Open Morning where they got a glimpse into their children's daily school lives. The event was filled with laughter, excitement and meaningful interactions.

Throughout the morning, parents actively engaged with their children in various classroom activities. From playing a range of educational games to completing fun tasks, parents and students bonded over shared experiences that fostered a strong sense of connection.

One of the highlights of the day was when our talented young writers proudly shared their writing pieces with their parents. The joy and confidence beamed from the children's faces as they showcased their creativity and progress.

The Open Morning provided an excellent opportunity for families to experience the school environment firsthand and gain insights into the  students' daily routines and learning methods.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the parents who joined us on this morning - your presence made this event truly memorable. We look forward to welcoming you back to the classroom later in the year for more engaging activities and learning adventures.

Year 4 artist collaboration with Kathy Holowko

Francis McGinley, Year 4 Classroom Teacher 


On 21 July, Year 4s embarked on a memorable trip to Glen Eira Town Hall, where we had the privilege of collaborating with renowned Melbourne artist, Kathy Holowko. 

The purpose of this excursion was to create a miniature sculpture city that envisioned a world where animals and humans could co-exist in greater harmony.

As we entered the captivating halls of Glen Eira Town Hall, we were introduced to Kathy, whose passion for environmental conservation and love for art served as an inspiration for our project. 

With a glint in her eye, Kathy shared stories of her past artistic endeavours and her vision of 'The Wild City' (a miniature sculpture city where animals and humans coexist in harmony), emphasising the power of art to invoke change and encourage meaningful discussions. 


The idea behind this project is to allow children to craft a vibrant community that illustrates sustainable living, responsible urban planning, and a deep appreciation for the co-existence of wild animals in our communities. 


Under Kathy's expert guidance, we embarked on a journey of creativity and innovation. Armed with blue tac, bits of artificial bush, and our imaginations, we began bringing the sculpture city to life. The process was an amalgamation of individual ideas and collective effort, as we designed bridges, tunnels and overhanging highways for our furry friends!!


As the miniature city started taking shape, we engaged in meaningful discussions about the significance of co-existence and environmental stewardship. Kathy's guidance and insights challenged us to think critically about the impact of urbanisation on wildlife habitats and the importance of preserving our natural heritage.


Our collaborative effort culminated in a breathtaking masterpiece that showcased the profound connection between animals and humans. The miniature sculpture city reminded us of the beauty that could arises when we harmonise our aspirations with nature's needs.

The Prep and Year 6 Buddy Program

Clare Soler, Year 6 Classroom Teacher


The Prep and Year 6 Buddy Program at Kilvington fosters valuable connections between student groups. 

For the Preps, it serves as a comforting bridge into school life, offering support from their older Year 6 counterparts. This warm and friendly environment helps the younger students settle into school life confidently. It also allows the Year 6s to showcase leadership abilities as they mentor and support the younger children.

The Buddies meet weekly and engage in a range of hands-on activities, encouraging cooperative learning and nurturing social and emotional skills. This may include everything from making, decorating and flying paper planes, to playing with sports equipment together, or even sharing a picture storybook.

Buddy sessions help to develop a strong sense of community within the School, forming bonds that encourage empathy and positive relationships. The eager anticipation and smiles on students' faces before each session highlight the joy and excitement the Buddy Program brings to all.


A highlight of the school week, the Buddy Program continues to make a positive impact beyond academics, shaping students' social and emotional wellbeing. By promoting leadership qualities, fostering responsibility, and creating a sense of belonging, the program contributes significantly to the overall positive learning environment at Kilvington.