Student Awards

Student of the Week

28 November 2022


For improved confidence to participate in partner and group activities and seeking feedback more readily from the teacher. Fabulous work Isaac!



For another outstanding oral presentation. Your talk on Buckingham Palace was well prepared, informative and funny! Fantastic work Gemma, keep it up.



For her positive attitude toward her class tasks, and for demonstrating wonderful behaviours during the Junior Swimming Program. You're a superstar, Georgie!



For her eagerness to improve her learning and the leadership skills she displays when working in small groups. Excellent work, Olivia.



For being a kind and considerate classmate and your willingness to take on challenges to improve your learning. You are a superstar Jasmine!



For making thoughtful contributions to class discussions and displaying a positive approach to learning. Well done, Mathiang!



For her thoughtful and in depth writing response to how all schools can cut back their carbon emissions. Great work Alicia.


Language specialist award YEAR 3  ~

For solving French Christmas crosswords without dictionaries. Well done Grade 3!


Language specialist award YEAR 4  ~

For solving French Christmas crosswords without dictionaries. Well done Grade 4!


PE Specialist Award TIASHA  ~

For her wonderful organisation of House Games for 3-6 sport. Keep up the great work!


STEAM Specialist Award YEAR 4  ~

For their wonderful efforts using models and trial and error when building and testing their catapults.  


Visual Arts Specialist Award YEAR 4  ~

For their sewing skills shown when completing a weaving and threading project. Wonderful concentration skills!


Performing Arts Specialist Award YEAR 3

For the creative and entertaining dances they performed in class.  Well done!


5 December 2022  



For her improvement in writing extended sentences, using punctuation correctly and editing her work. Fabulous effort Krya!



For focussing on her maths workbook demonstrating her ability to tell the time on analogue clocks.



For his detailed planning and imaginative storylines during narrative writing. Your stories are a treat to read, Haven - I never know what to expect!



For consistently asking  questions in order to improve his learning and working cooperatively during problem solving group activities.



For an excellent presentation of his inquiry project on Axolotls and sharing strategies that can be implemented to save them from extinction. Well done, Vincent!



For your thoughtful contributions to class discussions and positive and enthusiastic approach to learning. Keep it up Scarlett! 


Languages Specialist Award ELIZA ~

For her enthusiastic participation in class while learning about the book 'Le petit prince'. Excellent work Eliza!


STEAM Specialist Award PREP  ~

For their imagination when creating their robots.  Well done! 


Visual Arts Specialist Award YEAR 5/6 ~

For their thought-provoking digital art posters created on Sustainability and caring for our Earth. 


Performing Arts Specialist Award YEAR 5/6

For the wonderful way they presented their Dance slideshows, great work everyone!