Deputy Principal Update

A very warm welcome back to all children, families and staff to our school year for 2023. 

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas and holiday break. It has been great listening to the children share their holiday stories and adventures with one another in class. We have new students beginning at St Luke’s this year, across all grade levels. A big thank you to the children in their classes who have become their buddies and helped them navigate starting at a new school and making them feel very welcome. 

A very special welcome and congratulations to our Foundation students on their fantastic start to school. I love visiting the Foundation learning spaces and seeing how quickly the children are settling into routines. 


Sending Our Best Wishes

Throughout the year, different events happen within families. As a school we would like to acknowledge these by sending a card. This may include the celebration of a new baby in a family or to remember a loved family member who has recently died. Teachers and children often include these special intentions as a part of daily classroom prayer. If you would a family event to be acknowledged, or know of another school family this may apply to, could you please email me with details at


School Photos.

A reminder that school photos are taking place on Thursday 23rd February. Children will need to wear full summer uniform for photos. Individual/class/family photos will be taken on this day. An email was sent home from the office regarding envelopes for ordering photos.

Looking forward to seeing the childrens’ beautiful smiles on this day!


Ongoing Assessments:

Over the coming weeks teachers will begin releasing Ongoing Assessments via PAM. These assessment tasks link to specific curriculum areas and form part of our reporting to parents over the school year. You will receive a notification that a task has been released, either by email or through the newsletter. This is a great opportunity to celebrate your child’s learning with them.



This year, NAPLAN assessment activities are being conducted in Term 1, from Wednesday 15th March till Monday 23rd March for children in Grade’s Three and Five. Tasks will be completed online, except for the Grade 3 writing task which is still completed using pencil and paper. Please note that the activities are spread across days during these two weeks. I will send out more information to parents closer to the date.



If you have any books that your children have grown out of, or no longer read, the school is always looking for extra books to fill the classroom libraries. This is a great chance for other children to develop their love of reading through sharing stories that have been enjoyed and treasured by others. Families might also have some jigsaw puzzles at home that are no longer being used. These are great for wet day programs as well as quiet activities in class. These can be left at the office if people wish to donate. Thankyou.


I’ll finish with my favourite Dr Seuss quote:

“You’ll never be bored when you try something new.

 There’s really no limit to what you can do!”


I hope everyone has a great fortnight ahead.


Mr Mac.


Library News

Thank you to all the students who returned their library books from last year. It's been wonderful to see the students visit the library again and enjoy borrowing books. 


This week you would have noticed the Edition 1 Scholastic Book Club NEWS come home with your child. The format this year is bigger and better! To celebrate the new Edition, Scholastic are offering FREE books! Follow the instructions online to participate. REMEMBER that all payments are to be made online via Loop. To make payments visit or download the LOOP app. If assistance is required with this please let us know so we can help you. Every order earns FREE books and learning resources for our school. Book Club orders close on the 20th of February 2023.