Principal's News

Journeying Together in Christ 

I loved the start to the 2023 school year. We welcomed new families across the school as well as all our new Foundation children. Our four information evenings were well attended and this concluded with a summary sheet for each Unit being emailed last Friday.  The school grounds look superb. It was exciting to start the year in our new building and welcome families. I witnessed siblings walking in together and there was a beautiful feeling about the first day of the school year.  Mr Paul Desmond (Chief Executive Office CES Ltd) on Monday evening made reference to how good our school looks- grounds, space and facilities. 

We had our first Community Group meeting last Tuesday evening. Please feel free to attend any meeting throughout the year. It was well attended and we discussed many opportunities for engagement, support and fun for the 2023 school year. 

Next week we have our Hello/Movie night starting from 7:00pm. See the flyer on the Facebook page and below.

We keep the people of Turkey-Syria in our prayers as they deal with the earthquake. I was watching some news regarding interest rates and making a comment.  After that came an update on this crisis. Another reality check!



As communicated at the information sessions whole school assembly will be every fortnight. Our first one was last week. These will be communicated via PAM and our Facebook page.


For new and existing families our newsletter is fortnightly starting today. This will be emailed and placed on PAM. This week, Foundation will be a focus and the four specialist classes are communicating their overview for Term One. Each fortnight a different unit will share some news, finishing off with the Specialist classes in the final newsletter of each term. 

Please note: For those in the Advisory Group, the next meeting will be Tuesday 21st February, not this coming Tuesday 14th February.

iPads and ICT Agreement

I thank those parents who have authorised this agreement on PAM/SimonEverywhere. Your child will receive their device on Monday to start using. Unfortunately, we cannot give out the iPads until these forms have been completed, so some children will not have their device. If you have an issues with authorising this please contact the office. If language or family circumstances have hindered this process please contact the office. 

School Supervised Hours


We have some children arrive on early buses and we have processes for this. No other children should be in the grounds. You may see a staff member's child with them and that is acceptable.

Children who arrive early by car must stay with families. The maintenance staff work around the grounds until 8:30am and with children walking/playing around it may become an OHS issue. This may involve mowing, edging and whipper snipping. 

After School Care (Stepping Stones) is available every afternoon 1300 665 699

Communication and calendars

PAM- Before school started all families received an email from

If you have not found this check all options, spam, deleted items etc. Please contact the office if you need support.

Simoneverywhere App- Please download this. This is our platform for notifications and permission/authorisation forms. The ICT agreement authorisation has been live on this since Monday. There has been an issue with the notification component and we will resume using this when rectified. 


The calendar page  in this newsletter has school holidays, public holidays and most Pupil Free Days listed.


Lunch Orders

As communicated during the week we are sourcing and alternative for part of this term. Our supplier, Eastwood Orchards will continue but due to the recovery from ill health of the main chef they cannot continue at the moment. The office staff will communicate options asap.



Hats Term 1 & 4 

Sport uniform on two days. See the Facebook post or your child's class summary sheet sent home last Friday.

Socks- your child cannot wear any socks with brands all over them.

Please see the uniform policy below


Pope Francis in the Congo

This visit by Pope Francis to the The Congo was very special.  Fr Joe Taylor addressed this in his homily last Sunday. Over one million people attended mass. I have been present twice at Randwick Racecourse and thought that was a large gathering for mass with the Pope. The first time was Pope John Paull II and the second was at World Youth Day, Sydney 2008 with Pope Benedict XVI and I was one of thousands of people ministering Holy Communion. The Station of the Cross held around Circular Quay and Barangaroo (near Darling Harbour) was another amazing event. Seeing the Pope in South Sudan and The Congo brought back special memories. 

Vatican News link


School Pedestrian Crossings

A safety alert was published on our Facebook page during the week. Please model the use of our crossing in the school carpark area please. 

Staff 2023

If you go to the communication page there is a detailed outline and this includes all staff. In time we will add photos.


Zooper Doopers are sold on Tuesdays and Fridays each week during Term One.

Have a lovely weekend.


David Keenan.
