
We have had a great start to 2023 in the Italian classroom. Students have participated in group activities and Italian games, practiced speaking the Italian language and revised what they have previously learned.


Year 3-6 students have enjoyed playing Pacman in Italian with the classroom mascot ‘Mario’. This fun game involves students saying Italian words, phrases or sentences when they are in possession of ‘Mario’. It was wonderful listening to the students remember Italian words from last year as well as constructing phrases and sentences using their Italian knowledge.


Throughout this term, each session will begin with the teacher and students greeting each other in Italian, reading the date, revising previous lessons, singing happy birthday in Italian and playing an Italian game. During the session, each year level will focus on increasing their knowledge about the Italian language and culture, and growing their confidence to read, speak and write in Italian through various activities, worksheets and tasks relating to their focal topic. The sessions will conclude with students reflecting on what they have learned, and teacher and student saying ‘Arrivederci’ (goodbye).


In Term One, St Luke’s students will explore the Italian language through:

Foundation: Learning greetings, singing songs, greeting the teacher, learning the names of common colours in Italian, learning about Buona Pasqua (Easter), promoting their language skills and their appreciation for Italian culture.


Years 1-6 will be concentrating on ‘Carnevale’ (a pre-Lenten festival celebrated in Italy) and ‘Buona Pasqua’ (Easter). 


1/2: An introduction to typical Carnevale traditions such as wearing masks and costumes, creating a design for their chosen mask template, learning simple vocabulary related to Carnevale and Buona Pasqua (Easter) and creating a card. 


3/4: Learning about traditional Carnevale activities and customs, such as masquerade parties, parades, and street performances. Creating a design for their chosen mask template, learning simple vocabulary related to Carnevale, and Buona Pasqua (Easter) and creating a card. 


5/6: The history and meaning of the word Carnevale, learning about traditional activities and customs, such as masquerade parties, parades, and street performances, and how they vary in different regions. Creating a design for their chosen full face mask template and decorating it accordingly. Learning vocabulary related to Carnevale, and Buona Pasqua, facts about Buona Pasqua in Italy. 


Through learning about the cultural traditions and celebrations of Italy, students will develop their vocabulary and comprehension skills in Italian, as well as their ability to communicate and express themselves in the language. They will gain an understanding of the similarities and differences between their own culture and the culture of Italy, promoting a respectful and inclusive society.

3/4 Maher playing a game of Pacman, practicing their Italian speaking skills with ‘Mario’ the Italian classroom mascot.