Performing Arts 

What an exciting first two weeks we have had in the Performing Arts classroom. Performing Arts in 2023 will include Drama, Music and Dance. This Term, all students will become more familiar with the new classroom, subject, and themselves as performers, as we explore Drama. Our focus is on becoming more comfortable and building our confidence when we perform and express our ideas. 


In Performing Arts, we start each session by going over the expectations for the lesson. We then begin with a song/dance or some drama warm up games. Each year level will explore the Performing Arts concepts a little differently in the body of the lesson. All performers conclude each lesson by making a stop at the ‘Affirmation Station.’


Performers in 3-6 had their very first taste of a very popular game called ‘Spaghetti’ where they explored using their body movements and voice to represent and express emotions. I loved hearing that students enjoyed the game so much that some even brought it back into their classroom to share with their teacher! Performers in F-2 explored the story 'Too Loud Lily,' about a hippopotamus who loves Performing Arts because she gets to be loud!


In Term 1, St Luke’s Performers will explore Drama through:

Foundation: Guided dramatic play, emotions, costume play, listening and singing songs together, working as a group.

1/2: Guided dramatic play, puppetry, games, retelling stories, scarves, costume play, being a character.

3/4: Improvisation, group games, advertisements, the elements of drama.

5/6: Improvisation, two hander scripts, games, working together, Commedia dell’Arte (Italian mask acting), the elements of drama.


As with the other specialist subjects, there is one Performing Arts assessment per semester for each year level. A unit email will come home letting you know when these are accessible via PAM.


If you have a background in Performing Arts, an interest, or maybe a hidden talent, (perhaps you play an instrument, or practise a style of song or dance), and would like to share your talents and skills with the students, I would love to hear from you! 

I am very proud of our Performers from all year levels for being brave, creative, and for giving everything a go. It is incredibly exciting to imagine the possibilities as they reach for the stars.



Bella Walker. 

Performing Arts.