
It is amazing to begin another year and see how the students have grown both in height and their artistic knowledge. This term we will be revisiting the Seven Elements of Art and how the visual components of colour, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value may be two-or three-dimensional, descriptive, implied, or abstract.

In Visual Arts students are introduced, and experiment, with a variety of tools and techniques to develop their understanding of a huge range of art concepts. In the beginning we discussed led pencils and the difference between each one. How we used these to sketch, shade and draw is a vital reminder at the beginning of every year. This allows students to use these skills and adapt them across other techniques such as painting, collaging and using other drawing tools. 

  • Foundation students concentrate on line and shape this term and control their fine motor skills when using pencil, crayon, slicks (paint sticks), pastel and paint with colour apps. 
  • Year One/Two students will look at line, shape and how to highlight through colour and shading. 
  • Year Three/Four students will develop their understanding of line, shape and colour and experiment with space and texture using shading and layering. Students will look at real life drawing and understand how light impacts their artworks.
  • Year Five/Six students will develop their understanding of form, line, shape and texture while experimenting with space and value within their artworks. Students use multiple led pencils to show layering and texture within a picture and create works which are abstract. 

There is one Art Assessment per semester for each year level. An email will come home informing parents when they are ready to view on PAM.

  • Term One - Foundation and Year Three/Four students will complete an ongoing assessment task. 
  • Term Two - Year One/Two and Year Three/Four will complete their ongoing assessment task. 

Art allows students to experiment and explore without the fear of making mistakes. It’s amazing to watch them experiment and learn in a relaxed environment. I look forward to the many projects planned for this year and I can't wait to share the students' work with you. Please keep an eye out in upcoming newsletters. 

Art Supplies

Welcome back, I’m very excited this year to try out a couple of different art projects however I’m in need of a few items which you might have laying around the house. If you have any of the following items hiding in a cupboard, under a sink or in the shed on a shelf collecting dust, I will be happy to take them off your hands to clear some space. 


I’m currently looking for:

  • Buttons - any shape, size or colour.
  • Material/fabric - offcuts of material are great, it doesn’t matter the size.
  • Wool - any colour, it does not matter if its only a small amount, we can use it.
  • Tiles - floor, bathroom, kitchen tiles, any shape, size, colour, pattern or texture. 

If you have any of these items please drop them into the office and I will collect them from there. 


Thank you

Brooke Thompson.