
It is great to be back and see all of the students after the Christmas break. Let’s hope this year we get to participate in some more Physical Education activities as we missed so many interschool/ whole school activities last year due to bad weather. This term in Physical Education we will be focusing on showing good sportsmanship. Students across all year levels will be conducting fitness tests to measure against at the end of the year - to see their progress. These tests will include, Height, Standing Jump, Vertical Jump, 20m Sprint, Agility and the Beep Test. 


We are extremely lucky at St Luke’s that we have fantastic facilities to undertake Physical Education and we can cater for all weather with our stadium.


This Term students will be working on skill development in a variety of different areas to give them the skills to participate in team games in the future. These skills will be from the 7 major Fundamental Motor skills of: 

  • Run
  •  Jump
  • Throw
  • Catch
  • Dodge
  • Kick
  • Forehand Strike


 Foundation students: will be looking a movement patterns that relate to different animals and how to move in different directions. Throwing and catching individually will also be a priority in term one.

Year One/Two: will be looking at different locomotive ways of moving: dodging, throwing and catching both individually and with a partner.

Year Three/Four: Students will be further developing their throwing and catching skills and put these into practice in minor games such as beat the clock. This term they will also be focusing on dodging and evading skills.

 Year Five/Six: Students will further develop their throwing and catching skills while using a variety of different equipment such as gloves for T-Ball or Softball. Students will also use these skills in games such as Basketball and Netball.


There will be an assessment for each year level. An email will come home when they are ready to view on PAM.


Please keep an eye out for future dates of upcoming events in newsletters.


Goulburn Murray Division - Tennis 

On Wednesday 8th February Hudson Dudgeon attended the Goulburn Murray Division try-outs for Tennis at McEwen Reserve Tennis Club. There were 5 boys in his section,  playing 4 games of tennis for the morning. He did very well coming 3rd in his group, but unfortunately just missed out on the next stage to compete in Wangaratta. Well done Hudson!


Mad Cow Mud Run


RYZE Academy Football Clinic

Capeabilities - After School Program